
What does it do? How do I use it?


Why doesn't anyone answer my questions?

That item adds +10 to all wolf attributes. I'm unaware if it's for one wolf or for all in the pack as I've never crafted one, but that is what the item says it does.

You can give items like Knowledge to your wolf in 1) the den page > to the fancy (i) next to your desired wolf > choose from list of items > Use Item button or 2) Wolf Page > Manage Your Wolf > Use Items
Knowledge adds +10 CP to all of a wolf's attributes (like Battle, Agility, etc) except dominance.<font class="mainlineblack"> It is a one time use only on ONE wolf.
You can get it by crafting from the ingredients that the mob/entity Eve in Explore when defeated.
I don't know if I explained this clearly, if you're still confused, feel free to ask me what you're still confused on. ^^