

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalvenaaaaaaaaa andddddddddddddddd naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaachoooooooooo belooooooooooveeeeeeeeeedddddddddddddssssssssss

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
FadingMemories said: Beautiful, ET!
Thank you! <33 it's been a lot of fun to draw new characters!
Dox said: haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalvenaaaaaaaaa andddddddddddddddd naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaachoooooooooo belooooooooooveeeeeeeeeedddddddddddddssssssssss
RIIIGHHTT MY BELOVEDDDSSS pleasepleasepleaseplease it's been so fun <333 Helix my beloved too. When we VC I wanna talk about 'em I swear. What've I been doing with my past two days? Turning my friends into rats, of course. None of these has sketches eheh, just straight into the lines. All [c]157083, following my laziness to not add my sig. 

Goal: Spot the American- Lmao but I love the rats they're so fucking cute ahh

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Siyrus said: Goal: Spot the American- Lmao but I love the rats they're so fucking cute ahh
LMAO- they were a lot of fun to draw! Even though I literally stopped drawing right after these 💀 The last two rats for now   Some recent sketches and WIPs. Note the gun/blood.Usually I'd just link but it makes my gallery less nice <3  Edited at May 9, 2022 04:22 PM by Eternity

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Some finished art pieces and more *^* [c]157083

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
All [c]157083 A lil woofer to test my chibi base *^*  A headshot for said woofer  Annnd the two images below have blood/gore, so if you're sensitive to that scroll away ig. A quick lil finished YCH for my beloved wife <33  Annd some hands, huh, wonder what happened here?

AHH ET! Your art is so amazing!

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Super late thank you! :0
Paranoid my gallery will get deleted so,, doodles. All art here is [c]86Eternity, Eternity, 157083

Brooo these are fantastique :0