
How did you do that omg those tiny characters <33

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Satini said: :O
FooxiBoo said: Smoll children. They are so smoll but they have so much detail still that's so cool! :))
Indeed very small <33 And thanks! I find it a lot easier to put detail into really tiny canvases ahah- Especially as I have so few pixels to worry about!!
Excisus said: How did you do that omg those tiny characters <33
I did them on aggie.io actually! :D I just zoom in a tonne *^*
Annd some recent offsite comms and trade pieces *^* All art pieces below are [c]157083 Annd some more pieces, a mix of gifts and personal art 

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
After that huge spam, have some progress 2019 - 2020 - 2022


ET YOUR ART GLOW UP??? HELLO?? it looks so good :gasp:



Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Rainbow Heart said: Amazing progress
Thanks!! :DD
sekizen said: ET YOUR ART GLOW UP??? HELLO?? it looks so good :gasp:
PLEASE I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT FIRST IMAGE IS FROM 2019! That's like,,, Three years ago I can't believe it. It feels like 2019 was no time at all ago!! Thanks <33
Different Times said: 👏👏👏
FadingMemories said: GORGEOUS
THANKS ----- I'm on a design grind right now, but I wanna post that design batch all together as they have like,, an apoc theme So instead you guys can see this lil possum * ^*  [Background stock from Tyler Nix @NixCreative]
This design was a lotta fun! :D I don't draw anthros a whole lot, so I think it was a fun lil play around. I got a nice, naturalish simple design out of it too. I'm not keeping them, they'll probs go up for sale on TH. Edited at April 13, 2022 08:42 PM by Eternity

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Some recent character designs and a lil cheeb :>  Edited at April 16, 2022 02:09 PM by Eternity

Forum Moderator Darkseeker