
Oh ET its so pretty! All of it! I love the map and the stickman :3

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
FadingMemories said: Oh ET its so pretty! All of it! I love the map and the stickman :3
Thanks! Hopefully there'll be a map update soon *^* Here's a sketch from a few days ago  Annnd here's a piece of Freyhir as I haven't drawn him in a while. This piece actually has two sketches! Usually I just have one ahah. Initial Sketch;  Refined Sketch;  Finished piece;


oh my goodness your style is gorgeous

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Excisus said: Ahh we love Frey <333
We do love Frey <33 this is a Frey supremacy thread Yamaha said: oh my goodness your style is gorgeous
Thank you so much!! I really appreciate it! :D My art usually isn't u h that clean lmaooo -------- Aaaa I'm so sorry I've been so busy so few posts but- The boys <3 /this is legit the same character just in human and feral lol Annd have some sketches from my WIP folder  



Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Thank you both! <333
Sometimes I liked to draw v small,, [These images are all below 100px!] [c]157083


Smoll children. They are so smoll but they have so much detail still that's so cool! :))