
Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Vincent's eyelashes?? Hello good sir?? And the biblically accurate angel omg. These sketches give me life for real

What's a man without his eyelashes 🙏🙏
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
I need more of Vince's eyelashes, please and thank you. It's a need.

OH MY GODDD I missed Jataski art, SHAME ON MEEE also omg those last sketches you made are AMAZINGGG goddd aughhh ughhh
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They tell me gluttony's a sin But my desire, it's bottomless  Playing around with lineless again AYAYA :D (Don't mind the absence of their halo I didn't want to draw it)
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Rep - Aaaa well you weren't TOO late! It's more my fault for never uploading my own art and sketches to TH 😭 But THANK YOU MWAH
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YEAH ACTUALLY WTF IS IT WITH YOU NOT UPLOADING ANYTHING THERE ???? - that new art looks INSAAAANE holy shit??? more of this please 🤲‼
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Rep - STOP I just hate having to sort it down in their images every time,,,, I know you can organize it somehow but I don't know how 💔 <33 It's mostly just a sketch to be honest :'D if only I could start finishing some things it'd be a true miracleee
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SCREAMING that looks absolutely AMAZING *^*
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if it's colored, it's not just a sketch anymore, that's the rules 😤 I do get the organizing issue though, I haaaate having to drag art elsewhere uuugh, it takes like....... 2 seconds, ludicrous!
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