
Ooooh yesss those headshots look absolutely fantastic!
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Vah Thank you! :D They were a lot of fun. Here's one more headshot for Emmet. Might reopen these comms soon! :0  Annnd of course some WIPs for uh,, Polar. Hi Polar.   Annnd here's the finished outcome of my collab with AyukioCC, also for Polar! :D Loving all the sparkly finishing touches, thanks Ayu :D 

oh damn i sont think ive actually seen your art since like... 2020.. you've gotten way better since this art bangs
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I love you SO much bro ahsjajhashks You'll be free of drawing Rory soon I promiseee 🙏
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<3 Ahh understandable, I think I also do something like that, but with backgrounds. Default = forest/field with a water source lolol Better be alright XD Eternity said: Yuketa As am I! I'm glad you're doing alright <33 and I appreciate you too :0
Thank you! I was too lazy to properly shade but I think it looks cool. I always default to running poses when I don't know what to do. And shhh, sad pink dawg will be alright.
Also holy heck I blinked once and was greeted by the most majestic time traveler on the site asldkfj- The headshot for Emmet and the stingray pup on the last page both look awesome! :0 <3

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
I've been in classwork hell for the past few days LMAO
los campesinos! said: oh damn i sont think ive actually seen your art since like... 2020.. you've gotten way better since this art bangs
Thank you! :D I appreciate that. Can't believe it's been 4 years ahah, this gallery is ancient 😭
Polargeist said: I love you SO much bro ahsjajhashks You'll be free of drawing Rory soon I promiseee 🙏
Shhhh it's fine it's fine, he's very fun to draw. Thank you for commissioning Ayu and I! :D
Yuketa said: <3 Ahh understandable, I think I also do something like that, but with backgrounds. Default = forest/field with a water source lolol Better be alright XD Eternity said: Yuketa As am I! I'm glad you're doing alright <33 and I appreciate you too :0
Thank you! I was too lazy to properly shade but I think it looks cool. I always default to running poses when I don't know what to do. And shhh, sad pink dawg will be alright.
Also holy heck I blinked once and was greeted by the most majestic time traveler on the site asldkfj- The headshot for Emmet and the stingray pup on the last page both look awesome! :0 <3
Oh my god, the standard background code. For me it's grassy hills LMAO, or woodland clearing! And thank you so much! :D more stingray pups will be on the way once I have some more free time and get through my remaining owed art *^* Here's a WIP for my trade with Sock Monkey, who drew Microwave for me!  Annnd some art for 'draw the OC above you'  Annd speaking of Microwave, here is the metal dawg 

Grassy hills and woody clearings!!! Ahdkdhjfdb that is truly the same for me too XD - And yeah course! Can't wait to see the puppers and what patterns and palettes you make for them! :D Whenever they come along! <3 - Oooooh there's the forest for Sock Monkey akfjskfh I do love the light-dark contrast! Those grey, cloudy skies really push the portrayal of a darker day! - The second image is stunning! The way you depicted the water body translucency was so well done! <3 - Microwaaave! :D What is this dawg up to?

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Yuketa Help, not me having no art to post for 6 days. I've been a tad busy LMAO But yeah LMAO. Woody clearings and grassy hills for the win,, And yess! :D the stringray pups will have a whole tonne of fun subspecies including sharks, deep sea transparency,, all of that :0 YEP LMAO. Just like we talked about, there's that woody clearing LMAO. Thank youu :D I'm making slow progress with this trade as my inspo has been very low, but we're getting there. And thank you! :D everyone needs glass dogs, they're my all time favourite to draw! And not much, Microwave is just chilling eheh Thanks again for all the nice words aaa Update on that trade here,,  Annd a lil colour in of one of my own bases to make a liiittle design adjustment for a design I got from Thunder Struck! :0 Can't wait to work out what to do with this guy

I need to get some art from you :') its killing me

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Free Thank you! :D I appreciate that. I have no idea when my next comms will be open LMAO Maybe soon, maybe soon. This piece for Sock Monkey has finally been finished! :D Had a lot of fun with this one. 