
somehow I didn`t know you did art until I saw this. The cabin background on that sketch is just wonderful. So detailed and it just looks amazing :D

Poor Resin "I'm Meltingggg"

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Zivixia Thanks! :DD you're too nice
Stream Yesss! I do a lot of art. I've been a digital artist since 2014 and a traditional artist since long before that. I've nearly been a digital artist for 10 years, which is pretty neat. And thank you! Interior backgrounds are something I've been trying to improve for a good long while.
Free Run Poor Resin indeed, here's to hoping they're able to solidify again 😔
Obscurity commissioned a derp, here is the derp of their OC Beau  Edited at November 7, 2023 04:46 PM by Eternity


Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Annd here's another doodle of Orchifer's OC, Mere. Hope your homework went well LMAO. Took a small break from comms to do this piece, now it's back to the grind  Edited at November 10, 2023 12:22 AM by Eternity


Forum Moderator Darkseeker
I'm glad aaa <33 was a super fun piece to wind down with. -- I bet you're sick of seeing this commission's WIPs now, gallery stalkers. I'm having a good time! This piece is challenging me a whole lot - in a good way! I'm excited to hopefully finish soon.  Edited at November 11, 2023 05:14 PM by Eternity


Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Thank you!! :D
Quick lil animated banner for the Winter Art Giftign Gala [WAGG] :> [c]157083 

Ahhh its fucking adorable :O