
Ayy I love the little particles in the first attack! It gives off such a calm and serene vibe, with the OC standing in the water too. Oh man the sparkles on the second. I hardly use sparkle brush because you can either use it really well or mess up with it LMAO, but dang you gave the piece such a magical appeal. I love the blurring on the 3rd as well! It feels lazy and sleepy like the character, and the warm colors you use add to that as well. Aw heck the finished art trade is looking amazing! The painted fur 😩🤌 Can't forget the little details you put in as well. The drool on the tongue, the lighting on the hair, and the dark branches on the sides- you've managed to make these cool colors of similar tones work together very well. :> Can't wait to see the finished YCH if you make it a YCH! I can just imagine the background 👀 - Ay, the redesign looks so much better! Your anatomy and linework most definitely improved. I can tell you've grown a lot!


absolutely love the redesign, glad the lad found its way back to you! any name ideas yet or you're still deciding? :0

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Le Stalk Thank you! :0 That first attack actually caused me quite a few problems ahah, I'm sorta happy with it now. And thank you so much aaa <33 I've slowed down on attacks, will hopefully get back to some more lined pieces too, might cut back on the digital painting for a bit. JBB Thank you! :0 and nothing yet, I'm still deciding on names, nothing has come to me. -- Lil info block on some of my favourite mech dudes <33 thought it might be fun to show juuust how much metal they're made up of. Or not metal,, in Xai's case. There's hopefully going to be more images like this one soon! :0 [c]15703 [You'll likely have to open this in a new tab to read anything ahah]  Edited at July 10, 2023 06:01 PM by Eternity

Saw this on TH and was staring at it, man. :,D the fact that you did this in black and white makes it looks so much cooler, in addition to their amazing anatomy and poses. :0 plus they all have amazing designs. *^* i did not know faraday was this tall- also, are tenshy's bones mechs/have they been altered to perform special skills and abilities?

Eternity - <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Dude all of these pieces are crazy good! The colour range on the last page, The warm tones and the greens, the way you painted Paxx'Reni, the silhouette borders of branches and shrubbery! Aaaaaaaaa And the serenity of the pose in the YCH dude, yes. There's something ethereal there. - The redesign of the 2018 character us bomb, they've gone through such a glowup wth their proportions. the way you did the spots, and they lok physically more grown up as well! :D - Your mech spreadsheet aaaaaaaa there are so many interesting tidbits about them all! :0

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Le Stalk Thank you! :D sometimes I really just can't be bothered to colour things LMAO And yeah! Faraday is definitely the tallest out of them,,, but all of his height is in his legs. Before he was combined with mecha he was 5'7" :0 Microwave's definitely has the highest metal-to-biological ratio :0 As for his purpose, it's actually mostly for statement/display. He's almost intended to be a living work of brutalist art as well as a protection animal/person. Yuketa <3333 Thank you so much! :DD definitely a lot of different pieces there ahah. Thank you <333 it's always fun to try new things during ArtFight. And thanks! :D they do kinda look like an older version yeah,, I'm not 100% on the spots but I think they work :> And thanks!! There's more to come when I get around to it. -- Decided to attack the shit outta my beloved Excheese [whatever your current username is,,]   Funny to see all my styles in one place, eh? ;> This is the guy that steals your paws  Annd of course,, it's my birthday today. I'm 21. 

First of all, happy birthday! Second of all, those pieces are INSANE!! Each pose is so flowy and natural, I love it! AND I love how each one is so different. Gorgeous work, dude. The backgrounds on the fourth and fifth ones are just SDJASKLGHKASDLGJHSKAJD. No words


Forum Moderator Darkseeker
A very delayed thank you for the birthday wishes and kind words, it's hugely appreciated I swear <33 This might be the last post here for a while but wanted to show off my last WP commission for now, and some other images from ArtFight before I disappear for a lil bit <33 Of course, images are [c]157083 Commission for Disillusion <3  and artfight attacks for users Skeletoots and CoffinCanine