
whoops i totally forgot to respond lol- Thanks for answering in so much detail lol! it was pretty informative :) - well i mean Yuketa already took all my words away lmao but heck I just love your art style. It looks sketchy at times, but still has a confident, decisive effect that is really appealing *^* Absolutely love the one with 86 staring up at the camera. It looks so real ahhh How'd you do the digital/pixel-y effect? :0 - Also the last one! Amazing how you thought of putting their reflection on what they're sitting on! I love the level of detail too, especially on orange gear guy lol :D

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Hoalvinous Thank you so much! <33 and yes, all three of them are OCs of mine :D
Free Run Always happy to provide art for you to hug, thank you! <33
Yuketa God thank you so much qwq I have to try my best to respond to everything I swear- I must show my appreciation. And thanks! I actually hate having unfinished art pieces so I try my best to go back and reuse old unfinished stuff whenever possible! :0 Sobsobsobbing still, thanks <33 I'm really trying to push my perspectives more but *god* foreshortening and vertical is so tricky. Le Stalk No worries <33 I'm always happy to talk about my course and classwork. Thank you! :0 I like to work fast so my artwork is usually pretty sketchy eheh, I rarely have the patience to line things LMAO Oh, god, I can't actually remember. I think it's a texture/brush I have downloaded. An amazing way to get those kinda textures though is to find free-to-use brush packs or textures, paste it in on top and then change the layer mode. And thank you so much aaa <33 --- Okay onto some more art, half of these are commissions for people. [Aka two people, Ayu and Excisus you're funding my life right now <33] all [c]157083      -- Annd now somethings that aren't sketches LMAO 

beautiful like always my man! :0 The character designs are so creative, especially the human OCs' gear and the blue-grey canine's markings! - Oh yeah? xD I do like the sketchy style though. It's like, you're not coloring inside the lines but somehow it seems more realistic and better that way- How do the different layer modes work and how you use them? I've been wondering for a while aha

Where theres art you can find Free Run :> Eternity said: Hoalvinous Thank you so much! <33 and yes, all three of them are OCs of mine :D
Free Run Always happy to provide art for you to hug, thank you! <33
Yuketa God thank you so much qwq I have to try my best to respond to everything I swear- I must show my appreciation. And thanks! I actually hate having unfinished art pieces so I try my best to go back and reuse old unfinished stuff whenever possible! :0 Sobsobsobbing still, thanks <33 I'm really trying to push my perspectives more but *god* foreshortening and vertical is so tricky. Le Stalk No worries <33 I'm always happy to talk about my course and classwork. Thank you! :0 I like to work fast so my artwork is usually pretty sketchy eheh, I rarely have the patience to line things LMAO Oh, god, I can't actually remember. I think it's a texture/brush I have downloaded. An amazing way to get those kinda textures though is to find free-to-use brush packs or textures, paste it in on top and then change the layer mode. And thank you so much aaa <33 --- Okay onto some more art, half of these are commissions for people. [Aka two people, Ayu and Excisus you're funding my life right now <33] all [c]157083      -- Annd now somethings that aren't sketches LMAO 

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Le Stalk Thanks! It's very appreciated <33 This article, though intended for Clip Studio Paint, works best to explain layer modes [or blend modes] and what each different one does! https://www.clipstudio.net/how-to-draw/archives/154182I'd recommend experimenting with them as they're great for shading and lighting. I'm not sure which art program you use, but any program which has layers should have this feature! and they're pretty universal throughout different art programs. Free Run Lmaoo hi there I haven't posted in a hot second as god, there's been quite a lot going on LMAO. Here's some doodles and stuff. [c]157083 Some ship stuff with some of my favourite people <33
And a custom design for Rabid Winter

Why hello there XD Not me just stalking the form :P Eternity said: Le Stalk Thanks! It's very appreciated <33 This article, though intended for Clip Studio Paint, works best to explain layer modes [or blend modes] and what each different one does! https://www.clipstudio.net/how-to-draw/archives/154182I'd recommend experimenting with them as they're great for shading and lighting. I'm not sure which art program you use, but any program which has layers should have this feature! and they're pretty universal throughout different art programs. Free Run Lmaoo hi there I haven't posted in a hot second as god, there's been quite a lot going on LMAO. Here's some doodles and stuff. [c]157083 Some ship stuff with some of my favourite people <33
And a custom design for Rabid Winter

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Hi there Free Run! <3 Nice to see you here <333 If you don't mind, could you avoid quoting my larger posts as it clogs the page up a bit D: ---- I've been super ill so most of my art has been low effort as of late D: So here's some lil designs on one of my bases and some other scribbles. And my new avatar!  --- And now some lil process screenies of my new pride lineart.   And a version for my avatar <3  Both the pride lineart and trotting wolf lineart are available here, or on my DA <3 for free.

woahh so pretty! :0 this time the last few aren't in the sketchy style anymore, it's cool to see your art when you actually put a lot of effort into it lmao! mmm relate to being sick though. Hope things get better for you soon! D:

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Le Stalk Thank you! <33 and yeah LMAO it's nice to see something that isn't just super super sketchy. Hopefully there will be more art like that on the way. Thank you qwq Some process sketches for the pride YCH <3 [c]157083 
