

Im alive ill post shortly

Banana Gecko said: Im alive ill post shortly
How're you doing? 0.0 Glad to see you back! <3
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I should be able to post after the weekend, some sudden plans came up and I'm not gonna have alot of free time to work on posts. Apologies guys, but I promise I'll try to get posts out by the 9th

East Take your time, the RP has been slow anyways
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All good @East. Everyone has been busy lately :') Also, I'm back ya'll. Currently stuck on my phone for nighttimes so we'll see how next week goes with posts :)
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Not to bad but, hella stressed. Got 2 horses rn one being more work then I expected lol Nevermore. said: Banana Gecko said: Im alive ill post shortly
How're you doing? 0.0 Glad to see you back! <3

Darn. These posts are taking much longer than I expected. I'm so sorry, I've just really been needing a break from RPing so I forget so easily and quickly. I'll try my best to get Veracious and Storm posted by Sunday, but I can't make any promises because I keep forgetting.

I am so sorry everyone. I have been dealing with chronic migraines but I'm hoping tomorrow I'll be able to get some posts out
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I am sorry for not getting any of my posts out, I have been dealing with severe anxiety and trying to adjust to my new adhd meds. It's been an emotional rollercoaster the last month and I've been so overwhelmed and burntout, I couldn't even write a post if I tried. I am also trying to put things together to leave my partner while he's away on trip due to some concerns and things just...not working out. So that's stressful and painful to leave someone you care about even if it's for your own health and safety, that isn't making it easier on my mental state. I don't know when I'll be able to get a post out by I will do my best to post after a week or so.