
Hymir's reaction... I don't know why but it's amazing. 🤣

Please, let me know if I have any wolves that need a post, I've kinda at a loss currently haha . I left Aoife at the entrance to the eastern camp, she'd just kinda sitting keeping watch. otherwise I'm waiting on posts before I do the others again. Unless I missed something xD

Only two I can think of is Kenai :) I added Alha in there to get that patrol under way :) East MountainClan said: Please, let me know if I have any wolves that need a post, I've kinda at a loss currently haha . I left Aoife at the entrance to the eastern camp, she'd just kinda sitting keeping watch. otherwise I'm waiting on posts before I do the others again. Unless I missed something xD
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Yep, you can call me that ^-^ And very true lol Wolf Pride said: Trust me Fang (If ita fine I still call you that), sometimes theres just not enough to write.
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I should be able to get Kenai and anyone else I need out tomorrow

I was going to post today, but at this rate I have no idea if I'll be able to get a post out tonight ;(

Finnaly got Brute's post out, just waiting for Killjoy to do Hondo
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I'll *hopefully* do Killjoy and Illusion tonight, I'll even set an alarm:")
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I'll be able to post soon I have been out of town for the past couple of weeks.