
Help Wanted(Green Everest) has dropped out of the RP. - Jumping Wolves I don't know if ~The Ultima Pack~ wants you to save Amathist. They are dropping out of the RP.

I have made the decision of keeping one oc in this rp
I want to know everyone's opionion of who they want me to keep in this rp

Amaruq. I don't know what to do with Ash if he leaves. ~The ultima pack~ said: I have made the decision of keeping one oc in this rp
I want to know everyone's opionion of who they want me to keep in this rp

Ok, the Lengendary Wolf Might drop out of the RP. If so Glacier will become alpha and Delta will become Beta.

I'm bringing back Amethyst and Amaruq.

Yay! ~The ultima pack~ said: I'm bringing back Amethyst and Amaruq.

Mostly Amethyst but I'll do Amaruq whenever Your doing Ash's view frank

Great! Thanks! I don't know what I would of done with Ash. She wouldn't have a mate or a pup. ~The ultima pack~ said: Mostly Amethyst but I'll do Amaruq whenever Your doing Ash's view frank

Why is everyone dropping this RP? Don't worry @Frank's, I'm not leaving ^_^
Although, I am very busy this weekend so I might not be able to post until Tuesday :(
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