
Regarding Great Horned Owls: When you can scare eagles away but also get bullied by a bunch of crows. Regarding Peregrine Falcons: I also think there is a shock factor where the other bird does not expect the falcon to attack it as fast as that. And even if that was true, Lightning never did a stoop/dive attack against the eagle so Goldbeak can escape the case unharmed XD.

Lol, XD true true, but crows don't come out at night :3 But then again, we all are not being very realistic so lol
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Doing a test right now. Please do not send RP posts involving any of my characters in any way.

We will try not to :3 Lansnow said: Doing a test right now. Please do not send RP posts involving any of my characters in any way.
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Yay! I've been doing an one-on-one(oops!) with the character Seya. =3 Lansnow said: Back!
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regarding my last post: Really confused about how the trigger cage trap work. I can sort of piece it together in my mind, and based on my speculation I made the eagle's escape as realistic as possible, again based on my speculation.

Also Fangs please summarize what happened between Shadow, Faith, and Seya. Too lazy to reread right now lol

Lol, so Faith can speak a little wolf as a fox taught her. To sum that up, she warned Seya of the Fire Shadow territory. Seya on the other hand, misinterpreted as her friend was going into dangerous territory and went to stop him. Seya doesn't realize Faith was speaking about Shadow. And then they went their seperate ways and Faith went to sleep :3
Regarding the trap, it was a basic human trap. Looks like a cage where you would keep like a parakeet, hung by a rope in the tree. The door was figured to shut when force was put onto the back of it.(Like an eagle flying straight into it :3) That was realistic, although if you had asked me earlier, I could have told you to just undo the latch that is covered in mud(to hide the latch).
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Fangs An eagle is not a parrot lol