
Wow, this RP goes so fast.


Summary for anyone trying to catch up or are new to this RP: -Three birds of prey fought with each other. Nobody won and all of them suffered some kind of injury, and are trying to recover. -Shadow and his arctic fox friends are still battling with the bear sleuth while also unknowingly reuniting some of the wolves that got split apart from the pack. -Topaz and Delta agreed to be mates beginning a new chapter in the wolf pack. Edited at March 19, 2021 08:24 AM by Lansnow

I don't know why but I just looked up the strength of a golden eagle's beak and talons and the strength of a piece of rope lol

Trying to be a lawyer for my characters I guess

XD, going for realistic eh? Lansnow said: I don't know why but I just looked up the strength of a golden eagle's beak and talons and the strength of a piece of rope lol
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Fangs I didn't make the rules lol

I don't think I made Goldbeak very realistic anyway lol. There's a report saying how golden eagles swoop right in front of the sun so that they can stun/blind their prey for a few seconds. They can use many sorts of stealth tactics to manipulate and catch prey. So I think Goldbeak is pretty dumb even for his species and I have no idea how he could've survived for so long. Hope you guys enjoyed my anticlimactic rant XD.

XD, you have me looking up things about my Great Horned Owl and Peregrine falcon now lol
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Lol, here is my rant on Great Horned Owls:
In a battle between an owl and an eagle, bet on the owl. Great horned owls are extremely aggressive, and have been known to drive even bald eagles from their nests. Great horned owls are beastly. I probably should have looked up more about my Faith before I made her a Great Horned xD
LightningWing: The eagle has a size advantage but the falcon is much faster. I've seen videos of peregrine falcons taking down larger birds than the eagle though (hawks, cranes, crows, and pelicans are all larger than the falcon). ... The fall usually kills the other bird as it cannot regain flight fast enough before hitting the ground. I did not know that xD
Someone get me out of this info spree lol
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