
how do you know what injurie my wolf has never mind i found it Edited at July 20, 2021 01:27 AM by THE FEARLESS PAWS

@SilverWolf In explore they can twist paws, or get sickness, or caught in something!

How do you heal a wolf from poison? I tried all the potions and it didn't work.

The NightHowlers said: How do you heal a wolf from poison? I tried all the potions and it didn't work.
Wyrm Elixir, crafted from event exclusive herbs because poisoning is injury exclusive to the event and is gained only if a wolf attacks big yellow/golden snake in ocean aiming to destroy the world(dunno its name XD). [if you have enough wisdom on your wolf odds are more in your favour that wolf won't scratch the snake and therefore won't get poisoned, but get 5 ruin coins currency instead {ruin coins are exclusive event currency only useful for event exclusive items such as gear,decor and backgrounds} thou it is good to know that this encounter is optional in a way you don't have to press the button "scratch" and just go your merry way-no risk, but also no reward]. Herbs can be gained in explore as well by encountering a large tree whose name I also don't know but it looks uniquie enough so I don't think you can miss it plus it has some text and button "Look". If you press look and have enough spirituality on your wolf (mine has 200, but chances of getting herb are 1:3 for me still, she is also not BE trained and I go solo with her cause no one else has cp, I don't know if that affects the results) you will randomly get one out of 3 herbs you need for Wyrm Elixir (Herb names are: Nettle, Mugwort and Fennel). You can also get a herb from The Fates if you choose "approach", my guess is that you need spirituality and composure, but not 100% sure. Poisoned wolf has its damage in explore halved (to a 1st decimal so if your wolf normally does 15 damage, that wolf when poisoned will do 7.5 damage). P.S. I don't know if damage reduction effect carrys over to PvP battles as well nor how Vitals and natural disasters affect the damage. Edited at February 9, 2023 03:47 AM by Written The Wolf

how do i heal a poisoned wolf? ahh...nvm Edited at February 15, 2024 03:54 PM by Alph@

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Added poison to the guide, thank you, Written The Wolf!