
Reserve lone wolf. I will get the form done Monday ^^
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Coyote :) Frank's Wolf Pack said: Hunter is reserved. What type of invader do you want? AzzurraMountains said: Hunter and Invader reservation thanks

Name: Silver Age: two Gender: Male Animal: Coyote Appearance: A white coyote with red swirls mixed into his fur on the belly and ears. He has grey eyes that turn slight blue in the light. Personality: Quiet, friendly, a jokester to those he calls his friends, and loved ones. Strengths: Speed, strength Weaknesses: Heights and most lovable emotions and actions. Other: Banana? -

Reserved! Fangsoffire said: Reserve lone wolf. I will get the form done Monday ^^

Reserved! AzzurraMountains said: Coyote :) Frank's Wolf Pack said: Hunter is reserved. What type of invader do you want? AzzurraMountains said: Hunter and Invader reservation thanks

Accepted! Dragonpipe said: Name: Silver Age: two Gender: Male Animal: Coyote Appearance: A white coyote with red swirls mixed into his fur on the belly and ears. He has grey eyes that turn slight blue in the light. Personality: Quiet, friendly, a jokester to those he calls his friends, and loved ones. Strengths: Speed, strength Weaknesses: Heights and most lovable emotions and actions. Other: Banana? -

Name: Shadow Age: 8 Gender: Male Animal: lone wolf Appearance:  Personality: very dominant, rarely shows kindness/mercy Strengths: darkness Weaknesses: sunlight, kindness Other: in his life he was once so hungry he killed wolf pups to eat

I would love to have you is this RP Wandering Spirits but can you please read the rules again and add something to your form?

oop sorry i'll check Frank's Wolf Pack said: I would love to have you is this RP Wandering Spirits but can you please read the rules again and add something to your form?

did you want the 50 words? Wandering Spirits said: oop sorry i'll check Frank's Wolf Pack said: I would love to have you is this RP Wandering Spirits but can you please read the rules again and add something to your form?