
RP sign ups are closing soon, in 6 days I will no longer be accepting forms. Please, if you have a reservation or want to join please get the form in within 6 days or it will be diclined. Edited at March 16, 2021 12:46 PM by Frank's Wolf Pack

Name: Bronze (Named after his broze-colored father who passed away when fighting) Age: 4 in human years Gender: Male Appearance:  Personality: Bronze is a very playful wolf. Though he is a very muscular wolf, he only acts like a pup, you can barely get anything other than a pup from him. When in fighting, you might as well use him as a distraction. His IQ level is too low to even realize he's in danger right away. (Example: *throws Bronze in front of bear* "Why hello there. You are quite big aren't ya!" *evil giggles*) The only time he does get "serious" is when you either talk about his parents or when he actually knows he's in danger. Family: Mother: Missing Father: Dead Sibling #1: Missing Sibling #2: Missing Sibling #3: Bronze *he's the middle child* Sibling #4: Missing Sibling #5: Dead. Died during an attempt to save their father... Mate: None, though is open most won't want this goofball Children: None Rank: Omega Desired Rank: Alpha/Beta Male Strenths: Playing around, distracting, talking to pups. If something was to be going on, like fighting, he does his best to play with the pups to keep them distracted. Weaknesses: Everything else. Fighting, he can't take it seriously. Getting a mate, he can't take it seriously. Pack hunts, he can't take it seriously. Climbing, laughs everytime a pebal falls. Swimming, always plays around when doing so. Howling, always laughs in the middle of it. So yes, basically everything else. Other: I made this character basically because I thought we needed a goofball in this pack... and he loves banooooooooonassssss

RP sign ups are closing in a couple days so I have taken out the 3 characters rule, you may have as many characters as you want. Just get the form in before the sign ups close. Edited at March 15, 2021 09:18 AM by Frank's Wolf Pack


Reserve healer. Form will be done shortly~~
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Got it! Fangsoffire said: Reserve healer. Form will be done shortly~~

Name: Killjoy Age: 3 Gender: Male Appearance:  Personality: He is okay at hunting because he was born as a lone wolf, but he gets lazy., Also due to his past he is somewhat good at fighting, but he has some sloppy posture. He is not afraid to attack first. He is very muscular, and knows that he is. His first impression is mean and rough, but really he is kind and cares about the other wolves in his pack, and family. He will sit down with you can hear about your problems for hours. Family: Mother: Dead Father: Dead Sibling #1: Dead Mate: Open Children: N/A Rank: Warrior/hunter Desired Rank: Alpha male/ beta male Strenths: Fighting, hunting, talking about others feelings Weaknesses: Playing with pups, talking about his feelings, sloppyness Other: He loves to howl, and can often be found playing by himself. He was born a lone wolf, but captured as a two year old. For the past year he has been with the pack. Banana Edited Edited at March 9, 2021 11:16 AM by Jumping Wolves
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Please read the rules again and change Killjoy's form a little bit. I would love to have you in this RP though!

Um am I supposed to have a full bio or something-

~Fox Hunter's~ said: Um am I supposed to have a full bio or something-
Here are the forms for the animals. You can pick a pack wolf or an invader and fill out the form. Please read the rules before you fill out the form. If you think it will take you a little bit you can reserve a spot and no one will take it. Wolf Sign Up Form Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Personality: Family: Mate: Children: Rank: Desired Rank: Strenths: Weaknesses: Other: - Invader Sign Up Form Nane: Age: Gender: Animal: Appearance: Personality: Strengths: Weaknesses: Other: