
I kiss you back greedily. My kiss saying everything. How I feel, how much I want you, all of it. I begin stepping out of the shower, slowly pulling away from you.

I hold you there for a second before letting go." Probably should find something to wear." I say and smile taking the conditioner and putting some on my hand spreading it into my hair and washing the rest of my body while it sets

I step out of the bathroom and begin rummaging through your clothes. Surprisingly we wear the same size pants so I grab a random pair and throw them on deciding to stay shirtless.

I wash my hair and step out of the shower going out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist." Toss me that pair of pants." I say to you and point to the gray pants hanging up on a hanger next to you

I take the pants off the hanger and throw them at you. "You know these fit me goodnight say turning in a circle and showing off my butt jokingly.

I catch the pants and whistle jokingly at your butt." Best view ever." I laugh and take off the towel putting on the pants and walking up to you." Maybe don't do that. Your giving me ideas." I wink and kiss your neck

"OK. Sorry. I'll wait til we are out in public next time" I say laughing. "So we gonna go on a picnic now or what?"

"Stuff that happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom. Only I get to see that." I say smiling and back away." Sure if your still up for the picnic that is." I dry my hair and scrunch it a bit so it's curly.

"I'm still down for a picnic. We'll take fire and yuki with us." I say and walk over to where you are standing before tussling your hair a little.

"You little rascal stop it. I don't like that. You'll be punished tonight for that." I whisper and stand up whistling to call fire towards me and he climbs up my back." We should get going soon." I say and decide not to wear a shirt." Eat before or after?"