
Evan frowned. A game with an unknown cost and an unknown reward-if the fox could be trust to pay out. But he didn't have much to lose. "Huh. Sure, why not?"

Spirit glanced at the other paths, then to the tracks. "who knows, if we find this wolf, they might be able to help us."

Astroya revels in the warm breeze the crosses her path. That can either be good news or bad. Regardless, there's a chance it's the right direction, so she turns and follows the warmth.
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Evan You nod to the fox, and he smiles gleefully, standing up. "Oh wonderful! Good luck to you, sir." He said genuinely, before flicking his tail to flip the coin that floats next to him. There is a deep, cosmic ringing as the coin seems to flip in the air in slow motion. The sand is a perfect landing pad, and the coin lands at your paws clearly. Heads. "Congratulations, sir! Congratulations! Enjoy your Talisman!" He said, bowing to you before vanishing in a cloud and flash of purple smoke and light. The coin at your paws floating for a moment before seeming to melt and turn into something new... A different coin it seems -You've earned The Butler's Token!- An old coin that, once a day, can be flipped to go back in time and choose a different route while exploring the Rotten Forest You feel the power flowing off the coin, and it's still warm as you take it in your paw. You blink a bit as it seems to whisper it's uses to you... and you quickly stash it in your bag before continuing. -You May- Head into the Savannah Sands Head into the Savannah Bush Head into the Savannah Grasslands

Furred Fury Party You decide to follow the wolftracks. Hoping for either an unknowing guide or to find help for yourselves further up the path. At the same time, you both stagger a bit as the forest seems to growl at you... and you feel your energy sapped suddenly, as if something just stole your last meal right out of your belly. -You feel hungry- You try to push past it and continue following the wolf tracks. The two of you soon break out of the forest and hit the river, the fresh scent of the flowing water a welcome break from the Rotting stench of the forest. -You've entered the Rotten River- The tracks seem to get muddled into the mud around the bank, and you can no longer Follow them. -You May- Follow the River Upstream Follow the River Downstream Cross the River

Astroya You follow the warm draft of air, and find an odd sight to be sure. It seems to be a merging of the biomes here in the Rotten Forest. To your right, the vast snowy Tundra and the mountains. To your left, the deep creaking bowels of the forest. And straight ahead of you, is the glowing, rolling sands of the savannah! It's beautiful here... but a rumble under your feet reminds you that... as a moving landscape, this is probably one of the worst places you could be, and many of the caves are probably right under your feet. -You May- Go right to the Tundra Go Left to the Forest Run Straight to the Savannah Wait in Hopes to be Swallowed into the Caves

Rocky-canine Happy to have at least made it to the river, he gave a small bark of joy. " At least we made it to the river " he said with laugh. looking up , down and across the river bank. " looks like we lost the tracks, what do you think about following it upstream? " he asked spirit while he tilted his head and readjusted his bag
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Adira The force of the impact sent shock waves through her unexpecting body. She jerked back violently, missing the step down the stairs. Instinctively gasping for air, only to have blood gurgling out of her throat. She tumbled backwards, her vision blurred, falling in and out of focus. For a moment, she blinked to find herself staring at a large mess of dripping, stained carpet. She felt something wrap around her muzzle, and soon after, a sense of peace. A desensitizing feeling. The canine began to register what was happening, taking a solid minute to notice Coyote and fully regain awareness.
Adira shakily stood upwards, her whole body wobbly and weak. "T-thank you," her voice cracked and she inspected herself, "I think I'll be alright." She reached for her neck, rubbing her paw against the bare skin before pulling it back down for better balance. "Seems like I owe you one," the canine gave a small smile, while still completely shaken.

Head down the path behind the body

Astroya runs straight for the Savannah. As curious as she is about the shifting, needs has a quest to complete.
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