
Evan wrote in his journal, recounting the main events of the past few days. He glanced up every now and then to check his surroundings, refusing to drop his guard as long as he was in the forest. As he finished, he closed the book, sliding the latch securely into place before tucking it back in his satchel. He'd still need to find someone who could do something with his deep sea fish, but jerky would suffice for now. He took the time to rest and regain his strength, gnawing on a piece of jerky. Then, he gently woke Azumi and Cassidy, giving them each a piece to keep them going before packing up and heading out once again.

Evan You pack up your camp and strech after writing in your journal, voting to yourself that you'll leave something out here if you end up dying. You take one last look at the odd yellow trees, before deciding where to go next. -You May- Investigate the Oasis further Head back to the Savannah Try to get through the rest of the desert Edited at August 26, 2024 11:53 PM by Sunset Ghosts

Adira Adira grinned generously at his offer, having him lead her may result in her completing the quest faster... plus having a little company would be nice. She gazed at him confidently, speaking with assurance, "all right! I'd love for you to lead the way." The canine passed some jerky to her small companions before hopping up to assist the cook.

Adira Your confident tone makes Coyote smile and chuckle to himself, looking away with a bit of a blush before clearing his throat and finishing his fish. You help Coyote pack up his camp and stomp out his fire, and he trots over to the woods where he happily moves the bramble aside to reveal the trail he must have used to get here. "The swamp is up quite a ways, which is why it may have moved, but I should be able to get you there no matter what." He explained as you began walking together. "Have you ever met the Black Cat in the swamp?"

Astroya investigates the table. It has peaked her interest the most so far. Maybe she'll find something of use?
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Astroya You decide to check over the table first, stepping over the undergrowth to get to it and using a knife to get as much of the undergrowth off the table as possible. After unraveling it from the vines, you notice that it is indeed a table, and there are a couple things in it that the plants haven't ruined yet. -You've found the following- Cricket Containter Tweezers Scorpion in Resin You let the ivy's fall back over the table and back away to decide what to do next. -You May- Investigate the Shack Investigate the Fire Pit Head Back to the Forest

Setting everything in her bag, Astroya carefully picks her way to investigate the fire pit.
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Adira "I'm afraid not," her head nodded in reply, while her eyes occasionally glancing at the ground trying not to trip over any unexpected roots.

Head down the straight path

"Better get back to it" Evan thought aloud. The Rotten Savannah was strange, but he still didn't think he'd find cheetahs in the desert, much less underground. He whistled for Azumi and Cassidy to follow and headed back for the savannah.