
Moth leaped forwards. Aiming to strike at one of the dragons wings.

Spirit crept from behind the rock. No more hiding now... He narrowed his eyes, pinpointing the dragons head. I could jab my sword through it's head and neck, I might hit something important or whatever. He took his sword and raced to teh front of the dragon at full speed, even with broken bones.

Astroya watched from behind her boulder as everyone began attacking. She eyed the dragon, looking for weak points. She could attack the tail with Jari, or the wings with either Adira or Moth... Spirit appears to be charging towards the head. The current spots inflicted with damage seem to be it's neck, shoulders, and tail... So why not inflict more damage where it's already been done? She readies her sword and swiftly climbs up the boulders, giving her the vantage she needs to attack the dragons shoulders once more.
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Well, that answered that. A miserable sight, but one that existed in the past. Evan whistled for Azumi and Cassidy, heading back out to the Savannah.

Mushroom King Party . As the massive beast rears up for it's next attack, Jari goes unnoticed at its tail tip, chipping damage with her teeth and both claws. -Mushroom King looses 3 HP- As it flares it's wings out, Adira and Moth jump into action at the same time. Adiras daggers make an audible -CRUNCH- as they slam through the hollow bones of the dragon's wings. Double Damage! -Mushroom King lost 12 HP- At the same time, Moth's silver Dagger strikes the same hollow bones, the specialized metal carving clean through the whole wing's base, causing it to fall to the ground, while the dragon shrieked in pain and snapped it's jaws back toward Moth, catching her between his teeth and slamming her into the ground with a dust cloud. Both parties receive double Damage! -Mushroom King has lost 20 HP- -Moth has lost 40 HP- As the dragon slams Moth down, it's head creeps closer to the ground, possibly planning to roast her. But before it can do anything, Spirit and Astroya charge forward, Astroya leaping off one of it's horns and onto its shoulders, while Spirit drives his special long sword through the beast's eye! -Mushroom King has lost 55 HP!- The dragon falters, and falls to it's knees and chest in the ash covered grass, and before it can rise again, Astroya's long sword is plunged through its shoulder blades, a loud -pop- sounding out through the clearing as the blade breached the dragon's spine. Double Damage! -Mushroom King has lost 30 HP- The monster is clearly beaten... but still whimpers and twitches with life. -You May- Mercy Kill(will need enough collective damage to kill) Leave It Edited at July 26, 2024 12:15 PM by Sunset Ghosts

Evan Your pets happily follow you from the rotten camp, excited to hopefully find something a bit more uplifting out here. You walk for quite some time, becoming a bit thirsty and hot as you travel. However, the antics of a fox and a baby Wild Dog will always be entertaining. As the bound and play next to you joyfully. You soon come to a strech of desert that you can't see the end of, however... and you order them to walk in your shadow to avoid heat stroke. You worry you're headed into nothing, and that you need to turn back, when you see something green rise over the sand dunes ahead of you. It could be a marage, but it looks like an oasis, and you don't think you'd be hallucinating already. -You May- Head to the Oasis Wander the Desert Turn Back to the Bush

'JARI As 'Jari lept for the Mushroom Dragon's tail, her teammates joined the attack, with Moth and Adira leaping for it's vulnerable wings, a loud crunch that sounded like a breaking bone echoing through the surroundings following their offense. Spirit lept for it's face, his sword clutched in his jaws, as he drove it perfectly through the center of it's eye. Meanwhile Astroya lept towards it's shoulders with her weaponry, making another loud pop echo around. The beast fell to the ground after that, whimpering. Pity flooded through 'Jari, but they didn't go through all this work for nothing. Leaping off his tail, she trotted to look at his cryptid face, her teeth bared. "KILL IT." She hissed mercilessly.

Adira The canine studied the downed opponent, a pitying sight of a king. Adira shook her head and huffed, "I'm afraid only death will provide mercy." She smiled and her tail wagged proudly of the team's accomplishment and of her own performance. This was her first fight in fact, shame it was already over.

Moth couldn't believe it. With only a few attacks from east of them they had almost killed a dragon. She couldn't believe they had actually done it. Now there was only one thing left to do. ( kill dragon)

Rocky- canine standing in aww at the sight of the frozen mammoth , he took his time to look around. " whatever did this is long gone by now " he thought as he turned around , facing away from the mammoth. " Back to the foothills " he said to himself with the cold snow crunching underneath his paws ( I'm guessing going back to foothills or mountains are the only options)
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