
The sound of loud dragon screeches in the distance continued for a few seconds, before stopping. Then faced with more choices, 'Jari hated to abandon original plans. "I think we should continue looking for the pond dragons."

Rocky You drink the potion and sit down next to the tree to wait for it to work. Luckily, almost as soon as you relax, the muscles and tendons in your arm begin regrowing, and after some mild discomfort, you're able to wiggle your paw again and look down at it. You Notice, on your wrist, what looks like a small white mushroom in your blue fur. It should fade with time, but it makes you chuckle a bit as you continue. In the panic, you weren't looking where the fox was leading you. Still in the forest, you look around and realize this must have been Cleopatras hunting ground when she was wild. She just looks relieved to have you back, and hasn't moved from your side since the incident. -You May- Follow the Small Game Trail Follow the Large Game Trail Let Cleopatra Lead the Way

Rocky- canine Making sure the newly grown limb is relatively back to normal, he stands up and grabs Napoleon to place him on his hat. He looks down at Cleopatra with gratitude and curiosity. " This was your hunting grounds right? You have an idea of how to get to the tundra ? " he asked the tree fox with a head tilt and eyes full of curiosity ( incase it's not clear , let Cleopatra lead the way )
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Moth wanted to leave the camp and continue hunting for the dragon.

Adira Satisfied with their little pit stop, Adira purposed that they should move on. "We better get going, otherwise the other group may beat us to the dragon!" she laughed but fully meant it.

"Oi, stay alert guys" Evan called out, feeling a little guilty at dampening the mood but not wanting to get taken by surprise either. As much as he didn't like sitting around in the open, he needed information. Better to just cut to the chase and try and find out what killed the brothers. He pulled out the distressed journal.

Ashridden Group The majority of you decide to continue on past the pond dragons for now and continue to the ones on the ground over the ridge. As you leave them behind though, they Hydra lays down as if to take a nap. Almost assuring you it will still be there when you get back. As you crest the ridge, the three of you are immediately greeted with another dead dragon. Though this one is still warn. Covered in tiny Spores, and deep lashes. You all look up, to see the other dragon flying into the distance like a Zombie, the beast falling about 20 feet before catching itself once more at least 3 times. However, since you made haste... the beast seems to see you, and suddenly hooks a left, U-ing around to surge through the sky towards you with a terrible roar. -You've Angered The Mushroom King!- The beast is coming straight for the three of you, and shows no signs of stopping or attempting to slow itself down. You May wanna move! -You May- Run Left Duck Attack High Attack Low . (Fighting in a group is easy, you still follow the posting order but there's no voting. Your character will do what you say)

Rocky You look down at your little friend and smile, allowing her to lead the way. She seems to think for a moment, and sniffs around to get used to things again, but quickly takes off through the trees. She trots just ahead of you, always turning back to check that you're right behind her before setting off in a new direction. After a little while, she seems a little lost and frustrated, you must be out of her hunting grounds by now. Ahead of you are two trails, and Cleopatra sits down in front of them with a huff, before looking back at you apologetically. It's much closer in the air, so she definitely got you closer, but she can't take you any further. -You May- Go Left Go Right Go Back

Top Rock Group The two of you are about to set off again when you hear the loud screech of a much larger dragon back in the direction you came from, about where you think your friends would have headed. There's a path ahead of you that clearly leads back out onto all the toprocks between the Lava. -You May- Continue on the Top Rocks Get Back to Your Group

Rocky-canine Seeing cleopatra huff in frustration he chuckles . "it's ok Cleo , you've done a great job today " he said as he walked up to her , giving her a head pat. looking between the paths, he started to the right path. " right path it is " he said as Cleopatra began following him
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