
Spirit shrugged then nodded. "It's worth a try. We might find something up there."

Huh. This ought to be useful. But if this was the reward, Evan didn't want to find out what losing would cost. Back to business, he headed for the grasslands.

Adira Coyote flattened his ears, still seeming worried about you. "Are you sure? That looked really terrible..." He said, pushing his side against yours to aid your standing and walking as the two of you got away from the staircase a fair bit. Even worse... when the two of you turn around to look at it again, it's gone. "Gods... that's creepy." Coyote said, his eyes searching the area where the Staircase had been, a stormy look on his face. "Do you wanna keep going to the Swamp? I think I can get you back to Glowmire if you need."

Moth You decide to leap over the body and head down the path behind her, running away from the biting insects and grumbling to yourself a bit as you slow down again, looking behind you as the Swarm flutters back down to infest the body you left behind. Your attention is brought back to your front as you suddenly bump into a large structure... or... small. The more you look at it. You've just run into a tiny... mouse sized church! You bumping into it has knocked down the cross on the roof, and the porch that you stepped on is completely destroyed. It's incredibly interesting... but it leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth looking at it. -You May- Stick your paw in to grab something Stick your head in to see Leave it alone

Astroya You race for the savannah. Your paws grazing stone, grass and sand all along the way as you go. Where you just were, a massive hole opens up, swallowing the earth behind your paws and urging you forward. Finally, you cross the threshold into the sandy savannah and pant as you look behind you, watching as the savannah and grasslands grow behind you. The convergence zone of the biomes slipping further and further into the horizon until you can't see it anymore. A roar to your right catches your attention, and you drop into a crouch instinctively as you search for the sorce. A pride of lions... Just over the ridge, they've taken down a zebra and are feasting together happily. The roar you heard, was their large male coming for his share of the meal. -You May- Attack the Pride Observe the Pride Leave Quietly and Explore the Savannah

Furred Fury Party The two of you, remembering that glaciers are often the sorce of rivers, decide to follow the river upstream. A calming silence falls over the two of you as you make your own trails up the riverbank. The sound of Frogs Croaking in the distance and the cattail reeds knocking together softly the only symphony you need for a while. The sound slows, and stops as you come to a rushing section of the river. As you look up, you realize why... There's a pack of 5 Timber wolves drinking their fill on the other side of the rushing water, and they're watching the two of you warily. -You May- Cross the River to them Leave them and continue upstream Yell at Them

Evan You happily Wander into the grasslands. Sniffing around the grass and dust before sneezing and earning a snicker from your coati. Hours pass... The buzzards circle above your head, and a fly has been insecently buzzing around your ear for 30 minutes now. It's all together just a hot and horrible day out here... You're about to give up and go somewhere else, when you hear a familiar sounding chirp. With that little bit of hope, you stand rigid, your ears perked and your nose quivering as you search for the sorce. "Chirp! Chirp!" There it is again! And you drop into a hunters crouch immediately to decide how to proceed. -You May- Set a Trap Attack it Give Up

Adira Agitated, Adira bit her lip, she really wanted to continue but her injury proved as a set back. It would be nearly impossible to take down an entire gator in her current condition. The best thing she could do was return to Glowmire and recover to set back out again. "My gut says to continue but my brain says to go back, " she admitted, "I'll have to return to this quest later. I don't think it would be wise for me to risk my life for quest, when I can do it later with a higher success rate."

Evan strained his ear to pick up the quiet chirping, not entirely believing it until it sounded again. With a bit of luck, it wouldn't be infected either. He carefully set a trap. Yip wanted one alive after all.

Astroya watches the pride for a moment before slipping off quietly to explore the Savannah. There is no reason to risk danger if it is unnecessary, as much as she would love to watch the pride. Being an equine and all, not a good combination. So she continues about her way to finish her quest.
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