
(@frank's wolf pack if you dont like how the demon's have slight power den just pm me and i'll take this down as soon as i get the pm :3) 💥Amethyst💥hunter/warrior💥female Amethyst shook her head before cold evil deep whisper's filled her head 'hide child, let us out.' she looked around before hiding behind tall bushes and closed her eyes. as they slightly sturred her fur turned dark grey with a more light brownish grey. five ghostly wolves showed up behind her. Amethyst rolled her eyes and turned around facing them "what is it now?" she asked calmly. (removed bc frank asked me to keep images in discussion) Edited at March 18, 2021 07:38 AM by ~The ultima pack~

(Btw @BlackWidow, Shadow is carrying Uno. The foxes are the distraction.) Shadow | Loner | Male | M: Uno Shadow loped through the woods with the unconscious wolf on his back. The foxes should meet up with him soon. Panting slightly, he came to a small stream where he put the wolf down. Taking a drink, he waited for the foxes to show, hearing the bears from the sleuth roaring.
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Goldbeak I Golden Eagle I Male. Goldbeak folded his great brown his wings neatly. It was getting dark and he knew that the morning would present more troubles. He needed as much rest as he could get. With that, the eagle hunched down on his mossy perch and closed his eyes.

Glory Glory follows the path and gets to where the pack stayed. Some of the ground was ripped up and glass shards were scattered around. Now I really am grateful that I stayed in that den the whole night she thought. Glory trotted over to a patch of grass under a tree that was left untouched. Good thing the bear didn't get over here. It still has dad's scent. She layed down and whimpered a little before dozing off under the tree

(oops my bad lol I missread that) Gwendolyn-omega-shadow Gwendolyn continued to follow the scent of Uno and noticed the scent of another wolf. The scent was familiar but she couldn't exactly put her paw on where she'd smelt it before. She came through the brush and noticed Uno and a black wolf sitting next to Uno. Suddenly she remembered, it was the same wolf from the day before that had helped with that other bear. She stepped forward watching Shadow but not making any sudden movements to show she didn't mean harm or wanted to fight. She noticed Uno was still breathing she sat down and tilted her head at Shadow. Her ears swiveled and she glanced around hearing the roaring from the sleuth of bears.

Goldbeak I Male I Golden Eagle I His amber eyes shone in the sunlight as the golden eagle opened his eyes. He stretched his wings apart feeling the warmth course through his blood. The air was crisp and fresh and a breeze stirred his feathhers. Time to patrol. The eagle took wing and flew. Goldbeak let the air take him and lifted him up to the sky. The trees in the forest became washes of green and lime and the only thing he could clearly see was the river, rushing like a blue snake. From there, the eagle told himself. Goldbeak flapped his wings and began his soar upriver.

Icicle & Frost | Artic Foxes | M: Gwendolyn, Uno Icicle and Frost bounded through the forest, finally getting to the river. Climbing up the trees, they crossed before finding Shadow. "That was awesome!" Icicle yipped plopping down beside the unconcious wolf. Her ears flicked as she then spotted another wolf(Gwendolyn) sitting close by. Ah, she's here for the wolf I bet. Icicle thought before Frost slid down a tree. "Great teamwork. Now to get on to more pressing matters." Frost said before eyeing the other wolf. "Maybe without a pack wolf around." Shadow | Loner | Male | M: Gwendolyn, Uno Shadow watched the foxes before seeing the wolf(Gwendolyn) sit close by. She made no move to attack and didn't make any sudden movements. He flicked his ears at her before responding to the foxes, "Yes more pressing matters concerns me of getting my territory back. Or just take the slueth's." He added quietly. The foxes immediately perked up. They love trapping animals. Just glad it isn't me. He knew that in a slight instant of when they wanted to, they could trap him in a life and death situation. He hadn't been caught in one yet, and he wasn't going to. He would keep his guard up no matter what happened.
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Delta-Female-Scout-M: Goldbeak, LightningWing, Topaz, Amaruq Delta finaly layed down to take a rest, sitting on a rock she watched Starless Night putting hearbs on Ash's leg. Then she hear pounding on the ground, someone was coming. Planting her feet firmly in front of Taliene and Ash she waited for whatever it was to come and get her. From down the path she could see running forms, almost like wolves. When they came closer she could see that it was Amaruq and Topaz. Whew, glad it's them. She thought as a shadow diverted her attention to the sky. There in the trees was two big birds, a golden eagle(Goldbeak) and a falcon(LightningWing). Edited at March 17, 2021 09:10 AM by Frank's Wolf Pack

Goldbeak I Male I Golden Eagle I M: Delta, Starless, Topaz, Amaruq, Ash The wolf stared at him with glaring amber eyes. Goldbeak looked back from his perch, his shining gold eyes gleaming. The wolves are truly back, he told himself. He remembered that little one covered in dirt. And here he was thinking she was all alone. The whole pack had gathered around one of their injured. They are weak, the eagle told himself. Look at them. Goldbeak's eyes did not miss the ribs bulging from some of the wolves. The eagle gave a piercing screech from his tree, watching the wolves' reactions curiously. Edited at March 17, 2021 09:19 AM by Lansnow

LightningWing | Peregrine falcon | Male | M: Wolf Pack, Goldbeak(ind) LightningWing glided through the clouds riding the currents. Lazily flying down to the forest, he watched the trees for any sign of movements. His keen sense of sight scanned the trees before seeing foxes. Ugh foxes. Tilting his body slightly, he turned making towards the river. Roars echoed through the forest but got quieter the closer he got to the river. Through the glint of the sun hitting the water, he tucked his wings plunging in a spirl towards the water. He started hitting speed before pulling up sharply, his talons spearing a trout in the water. Pulling up higher, he landed in a tree where he dug into the fish. Stretching his wings, he dropped the bones of the fish into the river before following the river. He could see furry things ahead and soon identified them as wolves. Flapping slightly, he came to a perch in a high oak tree. Shaking his wings out, he tucked them away to observe what was happening.
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