
Icicle & Frost | Artic Foxes | M: Karani, Glory, Wolf Pack Frost followed the bear before seeing the wolf pack. That is a lot of wolves. He thought before letting out a cackle from the trees. He let a branch fall ontop of the bear. "Sleuth bear, long ways from territory you are. Welcome to fox country." He said slyly. Icicle, instead of following Frost, was bounding through the forest after a pup(Glory). Managing to jump over the female, she skidded to a stop in front of her. "Wait wait. Not go that way. Group of bears lurk. This way, this way!" She said to the terrified pup before taking off in another direction. She flicked her ears, hoping the pup would follow her to safety.
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Glory "But my dad told me to run! Shouldn't I go this way?" Glory saw the fox run out of her sight. That's a fox... Shold I trust her? Without thinking Glory bounded off, following the fox. Karani "Be quiet fox." Karani said harshly. "I want my slueth to respect me and if this is the way I have to do it, then so be it." Karani let out a low growl. "Wolves, wolves, here I come." Then she lurched out of the woods and roared at the wolves. Uno Uno hoped that Glory would be safe but now there was a bigger problem. A bear came out from the woods and roared at all of us. The roar echoed throughout the forest. Uno tried to pounce on the bear, but she swatted him away just like fly. The bear let out another roar and attacked.

Icicle | Artic Fox | Female | M: Glory Icicle heard the pawsteps behind her. Good, she is following me. Icicle jumped onto a log before turning back to the pup. "There is a den underneath this log. Stay in it. The bear's will not find you." The burrow would smell stinky like badger but at least the bear's wouldn't look there. Plus, her and Frost had killed the badger long ago so it was safe. Why does my weakness have to be pups? She thought to herself annoyed. Once the pup was in the den, she bolted through the forest back towards where she had left Frost. Frost | Artic Fox | Male | M: Karani, Uno Frost flicked his ears, Oh so that's how it's going to be hmm? Beware who your messing with bear. He thought before snapping a rope beside him. Instantly a net full of glass shards fell onto the bear, digging into the bears back and going deeper everytime she tried to shake them away. With a cackle, he yipped "Welcome one and all to the Frosty forest where enemies beware." Two human traps snapped trapping the bear's legs as she stepped forward. She won't be able to move for a while. Time to find Icicle. He thought, bounding through the trees.
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Sorry to interrupt but are registrations still open? I messaged Frank but he did not reply in an hour.

Registrations are still open, please do not post in the RP forum. Frank is not yet on this morning. Lansnow said: Sorry to interrupt but are registrations still open? I messaged Frank but he did not reply in an hour.
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Karani Agh! Ouch! This hurts! She tried to shake off the glass shards on her back but they just went deeper into her. She bit at the traps but they didn't break away as easily at she thought they would. Karani let out a roar of anger. She spotted a wolf that looked a little bit in pain (Flame). Aha! Easy target. Despite all the wolves biting and clawing at her, she charged at the wolf, the glass shards still digging into her back. - Uno Uno opens his eyes very slowly. As soon as he sees the bear charging at a wolf, he springs into action. Uno starts to run towards the wolf but the bear spies him. She roars at Uno and tries to claw at him but Uno avoids it. He keeps running towards the wolf and the bear chases after him. Before Karani can reach his tail, he stands in front of Flame and bites the bear's foot. - Glory This den stinks! she thought. Glory kept hearing roars and flinched every time another echoed through the forest. I hope dad's okay. Glory was getting a bit thirsty. She was tempted to step out of the den and find a creek or something she could drink from. But the bear's roars told her not to go. Hm there's some bones in here. I'll just chew on those then. Glory crawled over to the bones and started to chew one.

Ash-Female-Scout/Mother-M: Delta, Sandstorm, Karani Ash opened her eyes to see all the wolves on their feet and ready to fight, Delta and Sandstorm were standing next to her. Ash felt safe but not for long, a shadow from the forest sent her wipering and scared. Ash tryed to stand up but her broken leg wouldn't let her and she fell back to the ground. Sandstorm-Male-Hunter/Warrior-M: Ash, Karani, Delta Sandstorm woke up to the alarm, he found out soon that they were under attack again. The shadow of a bear was huge in the forest and was comming closer. He was about to go out and attack it when he saw Ash stummble to the ground. "Delta! Go take Ash somewere safe!" Delta-Female-Scout-M: Karani, Ash, Sandstorm "Delta! Go take Ash somewere safe!" Delta heard Sandstorm's shout and started to pick up her sister. She was a small wolf and Ash was a big wolf. "Can someone help me?" She asked the other wolves while helping Taliene to get to safety too. Edited at March 16, 2021 09:11 AM by Frank's Wolf Pack

Kai was warned to turn around, so she did. That is when she noticed a large shadow. She immediately started to growl. Leaped over to the creature in curiousity, she sniffed towards it. Bear... She started to snarl, slowly removing herself from the situation.

Starless Night | Healer | Male | M: Delta, Karani, Ash, Taliene Starless Night woke up to the alarm and immediately saw the bear. Lunging across the clearing, he bit the bear before jumping back and circling around. He worked his way under Ash as he heard Delta's call for help. Picking her up on his back, he said, "You get Taliene. Follow me quickly!" He started for the edge of the clearing with Ash and started into the woods. Flame | Elder | Female | M: Uno, Karani, Glory Flame's eyes widened as the bear made for her and Uno who got in front of her. She backed up before making it over where she had last seen Glory. With one look back, she started into the forest after Glory's scent.
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