
Sal | Male | Bear | Mentions: No one Sal sighed. Why did no one accept the fact HE owned this territory. Like seriously, it annoyed him, a lot. - Bronze | Male | Omega | Mentions: Ash As the male was running around, he tripped over something. It was Ash. He fell over and rolled. "Sorry" he quickly said before getting up and running again, chasing the butterfly.

Ash Ash watched as a brown and gray wolf tripped over her and started chasing a butterfly. His face looked familiar but she couldn't remember him or his name. "Who are you?" She asked and was about to stand up but a big dark brown wolf pushed her back down. "Stay," Sandstorm said, his tone was comanding but Ash could tell by his voice that he didn't want to hurt her. "Who are you?" She asked the dark brown wolf(Sandstorm) the gray wolf(Fern) and the light brown wolf(Gwendolyn). Ash saw her sister come towards her even though she didn't know that Delta was her sister and spoke again. "And who are you?" Standstorm "I'm your brother, Sandstorm." He told Ash, but by the look on her face she still didn't reconize him. Delta had just come in with a wolf on her back. "Who is that?" he asked. "It's Taliene, she is hurt!" Delta let Taliene down and started to find herbs and other thing used to heal cuts and scratches.

Taliene Taliene heard voices. She felt a dull pain in her legs. She tried to move her paw, to no avail. She was set on the ground, and she heard the voices again. Was she dead? No, no, I'm alive. Where was she? Was it a dream? She opened her eyes slightly, looking around. She couldn't focus on anything. She heard the voices, but where were they coming from. She opened her eyes wider, her vision starting to focus. She looked at a blob she saw.. As her vision came more into focus she could see it was Sandstorm. "Sandstorm, what happened?"

Gwendolyn looked around a moment they still hadn't gotten completely out of the bears territory yet. She looked to Ash, Sandstorm , Delta, Taliene first addressing Ashes question. "I am Gwendolyn, perhaps we should get the injured to the rest of the pack we are still in the bears territory. I can carry Ash if she'll let me and help move Taliene too..."

Starless Night | Healer | Male | M: Taliene, Gwendolyn, Ash, Sandstorm Starless Night got back from collecting herbs to find Ash and Taliene bleeding out. He blinked, shocked that they could get hurt so fast before jumping forward. "You there(Sandstorm), help me move this female(Taliene). You(Gwendoly), get this one(Ash)." He instructed quickly pointing to the wolves. "We must get out of the bear's territory before I can look at their wounds and stop the bleeding." He picked up his herbs before giving them to Flame who had wandered over. Picking up the female's(Taliene) scruff, he started to move her gently towards the border. (Starless Night doesn't know their names as he hasn't been properly introduced.)
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(LET ME CATCH UP REEE) 🐺Amaruq🐺hunter/warrior🐺male🐺m:everyone Amaruq pushed everyone aside snapping his jaws at them "Move! move!" Amaruq whimpered laying next to his mate who stared at him blankly. he curled his tail around her snarling at anyone who got close even his own pup.
Edited at March 12, 2021 08:18 AM by ~The ultima pack~

Ash Ash hear Gwendolyn answer her question but she still didn't remember anything. "Who am I then?" She asked, trying to figure out why all the faces around looked so familiar. She saw Starless Night come closter but she didn't reconise him either. He told Gwendolyn to help Ash with her broken leg and they made it out of the black bear's teritorry without any more cuts.

🐺Amaruq🐺hunter/warrior🐺male🐺m:everyone Amaruq snarled "What did you guys do to her?!" he nuzzled into ash's fur and mumbled in her ear "Your name is ash. and im Amaruq your mate." he sighed staring at sandstorm and delta who looked so hurt that their sister didnt remember them. pity filled Amauq's eyes he moved out of the way to let sandstorm and delta sit next to ash

Kai was confused by the male's sudden aggression. She rolled her eyes at him and lied down a bit away to let her back rest. "Gosh- that dumb bear- now my back hurts" she growled, licking the paw he had also hurt.

Frost | Artic Fox | Male | M: Wolf Pack, Sal(ind) Frost trotted through the forest after the howl. Icicle was probably talking a poor foxes ear off, he would drag her away as soon as they got a job. Climbing up a tree, he threaded across branches before hearing yipping below him. Looking down, he saw a pack of wolves a couple injured. . .and that lone healer from the mountains. Rolling his eyes, he kept going before climbing down when reaching a stream. Crossing over, he passed some territory in which he heard roaring of a grizzly. Flicking his ears, he immediately knew who was howling and what he needed. Grinning, he came up behind Shadow before saying slyly, "Someone decided to take your territory hm? And you need my help to get rid of him." Shadow flicked his ears before nodding curtly, "What is your price?" Frost smiled, Shadow knew how to get to the point. "A small piece of your territory once I get the grizzly bear out. That small portion near that town if you please." He hated humans but that was where all their traps littered the ground.
He could tell that the wolf was thinking before Shadow nodded, "Alright. You can have the land from the roadside to the Heated Rocks." Frost blinked, that was bigger than what he had proposed. I'll get Icicle to help me with this one then. Getting up, he said, "Give me a couple sun-downs. Depending on how big the bear is depends on how fast this will go." With a curt nod, Shadow disappeared into the woods. Frost sat down to think. Not many bears try against Shadow, the grizzlies in the area know it as do black bears. Hmm...it must be a new bear that came with those from the frozen lands. He had watched them as did Icicle, but he didn't interact. Getting up, he started into the forest to look for his partner. Edited at March 12, 2021 10:13 AM by Fangsoffire
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