
|Illusion| Illusion shot out of his daydream, and took off next to Gwendoyln. He was looking around, noting every little thing that they passed. His side was sore, but he had been though much worse. He blinked against the wind that blew in his face as they ran. |Gold| Gold was slowly walking away from the den. It was as fast as his legs would go. "You go Night, you are far much more important than lil' old me." Gold was huffing was he went along. He closed his eyes, and thought of Yatzee. That gave him the courge to pick up the pace to a trot. Soon he was slowly loping after the younger wolves ahead of him.
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Artemis|f|Omega|Mentions: Opal,Illusion,Brecken,Gold,Killjoy, Glacier,Gwendolyn, Nighthawk and that group. Artemis noticed the word "run" she watched all the otherrs go quickly but then noticed Gold struggling. She called for the others to go on ahead. "Gold I am staying with you,no words no risks and no actions can make me change my mind." She said firmly. She slowly trotted behind him. She constantly looked over her shoulder in fear and panic. She saw the patch where she head subtly left her scent against a tree. She admired the old wolf so she smiled and said "Nearly there,just straight ahead" She watched as Gold went through the fog. Some growing rolled through the forest, she quickly ran after Gold. She sighed in relief. Opal|F|Snowy Owl|Mentions:Artemis, Illusion,Brecken,Gold,Killjoy, Glacier,Gwendolyn, Nighthawk and that group. Opal whizzed after the wolves running from the forest, she guarded Artemis from the air . She saw many animals roaming near and hoped the scents wouldn't get picked up. As soon as she flew out straight after Gold and Artemis. She was stunned by the brightness, she was feeling with nausea and suddenly half fell,half flew down to the ground. "We shoul go warn wolves,foxes,birds, all of the creatures that live in this land" Opal stuttered,still in panic. She kept flinching at sudden movements and wincing at every sound she head. She hoped the others would not notice her grooming her self to often.

Night Hawk | M: Gold, Artemis, Opal, The group Night shook his head, "No wolf left behind is my pack's motto. Has been from the beginning. We aren't leaving you." He noticed Artemis joined them and nodded to her. As the Snowy came down saying that they needed to warn the other animals, he pondered before saying to her, "Can you do me a favor? Down the side of the mountain should be a newly made camp. Pups will be there but I want you to look for a black wolf. Usually there is a fox or two hanging around him. Explain the situation to him and then bring him to the meadow where the pack will be gathering. He can get the news spread pretty fast through his fox friends." They limped past the owl but he turned his head to call over his shoulder, "Speak only to him! The foxes might think of you as a midnight snack."
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Opal|F|Snowy Owl| Mentions: Nighthawk and thatgroup Opal nodded to the Nighthawk, she squawked roughly in wolf "I will say I have a message from Nighthawk" With that she nodded to the group before flying off tit he side of the mountain. He saw the group. He looked for a black wolf but couldn't find him so she risked it and said in wolf "I have a message for Nighthawk,I come in peace" She flew low but cautious just in case ,a Fox wanted to eat her. She kept her senses sharp as she circled around.

Shadow | M: Opal, Night Hawk(ind) Shadow was trotting through his forest when Icicle jumped off his back. A moment later, a snowy flying low said, "I have a message from Nighthawk, I come in peace." The owl didn't seem to have seen him so Shadow leaped into the air, coming up a couple feet in front of the owl. Landing, he barked at her once. Shadow looked up at the bird again before sitting down next to a log. He growled a warning to the foxes who appeared by his side a moment later looking guilty. Most likely setting a trap for her. Shadow rolled his eyes before assuming a dominant position unconsciously, and nodded to the snowy. "What is your message?" He asked, looking up at her. Edited at February 13, 2022 09:21 PM by Fangsoffire
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|Gold| Gold was huffing and puffing as he reached the hill just above the breeding grounds. He slowly was walking up the hill, feeling a bit safer. His gold pelt wasn't as shiney as it was once. In fact, it was quite dull. His old limbs were slowly crawling, and his legs hurt like crazy.
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Opal |F|Mentions: Shadow and his foxes Opal carefully landed making sure not to get to comfortable just in case. She replied to the wolf "Shadow,The message from Nighthawk is to stay away from the Forest at the end of the Eli breeding grounds,it is a forest to be reckoned with.Dangers lurk there and many creatures lurk there ready to kill you and your pack. I bet you for you safety not to venture there. It is named the Trap Light Forest,please make sure the warning spreads far and wide " She dipped her head and awaited the reply to show the wolf had accepted the message. She tried to stay still and professional especially as she was delivering a message. She couldn't fight it, she decided to clean her talons again,hoping that wouldn't be either a sign of conflict or a sign of prey time for the foxes. Artemis|F|Mentions:Glacier,Gold,Illusion,Gwendylon,Nighthawk,Killjoy and that group (start) The healer (end) Artemis shivered, coughed and sneezed. She felt ill, almost as if she about to faint but she kept up the look of being fine just brilliant she thought. Artemis then spoke out loud "Well with Opal sending a message to the other packs here snd other creatures. Killjoy and Glacier I think you need to tell the rest of the pack." She drifted off and walked off. She didn't know a direction, she just wondered aimlessly. Some reason she came to a spot where the river was shallow, and was about to dip her head when she noticed a glowing thing in the inside of her ear. She went to the healer's den to see if she could get the thing removed after many minutes of annoyance trying to get it off and go also Identify it. She whispered "Hello?" Louvel (Lou) | Mentions: Cali, Ash "Come On Cali!!" He rushed on ahead adding " See you by the dens!" Louvre dashed as fast as he little legs could carry him. His heat plummeted when he couldn't see her. Maybe it had been a trick of his mind? He called ott it for her "Mother? Mother? Mother?!!" He looked around frantically, He swiveled his ears hoping to hear her, He twitched his nose hoping to smell her warm and comforting scent, He nuzzled into his gif to remind him that his mother would return soon. He lay down under Meath the Lightning Fork Tree and waited for Ash,his mother to return or call him.
editing Edited at February 16, 2022 05:35 PM by Pastry Lord

Starless Night | Healer | M | M: Artemis Starless just got back from a herb hunting patrol and was sorting herbs when he heard a whispered, "Hello?" He turned, spotting Artemis with something...glowing?..on her ear. He walked forward before saying quietly, "Why are you whispering?" He gave her a playful smile before sitting down. "Lower you head so I can figure out what that thing is on your head." He said, looking at the glowing thing in her ear.
Shadow & foxes | M: Opal
Shadow listened to the owl's message before flattening his ears annoyed. Frost's cackle confirmed it. "We couldn't help it when we found those caves," Frost said in his ear before Icicle giggled, "They look a whole lot better up here." Shadow rolled his eyes, "If you see a glowing insect down in the caves, that normally means it stays down there." It felt like he had this conversation a hundred times.
"I'll go tell the others," Icicle cackled, bouncing off. Shadow looked back at the owl before saying, "Please don't tell me the jaguar came back. We chased one off once before but it always could have come back. We were too late the first time, which several wolves died, but managed to scare it off. Can you take me to Night Hawk?"
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|Killjoy| Killjoy nodded. "We really should go and tell the pack." He sighed, and walked up the hill. His head seemed to be in the clouds. His thoughts were going from how Sky was to the leopards, to how to tell the pack. He stummbled on a small pebble, shaking he out of his trace. "Glaicer, how do you want to tell the pack? I'm not sure how they are going to react to the news." He was watching a small birfly across the sky, and watched it fly off, out of sight. He sighed, and walked on. |Illusion| "Are you okay Gwendoyln?" He asked, watching her as they ran. He smiled to himself. It felt so nice to be running next to her. She was the first wolf that welcomed him to their pack. Being welcomed was one of his favorite memorys.
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Artemis|F|-Omega| Mentions:Starless Night(healer) Artmeis did as she told snd lowered her head. After a while she began to drift off and wonder. The questions filling her head were in a large amount. She wondered why as she had thought that she had answered all of the questions that fired in her head. She stretched her neck snd the re-portioned it so that Starless Night could access her ear. She wondered what was fine sing inside her ear. It had looked like a trap light but it found the be Opal|F|Snowy Owl|Mentos : Shakes and his foxes Opal replied to Icical "Yes I will lead you to Nighthawk" With that she swooped low and slow sk the Fox could catch up. They arrived earlier than thought. Opal spoke to Nighthawk "Nightgakw I bring your Icicak he wants to talk to you. " Once she said that she nestled into Illusion's shoulder.