
Gwendolyn-omega-female-M: Artemis, Illusion, Killjoy, and Glacier Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Artemis's expression towards Illusion, she also saw it vanish as fast as it had appeared. She waited a moment more for Illusion to speak, when he didn't do so she said. "I'm gonna go gather Glacier and Killjoy and let them know about what you found Artemis. Perhaps someone knows about this already." She then padded off to give the two wolves some space sighing inwardly. She looked at the ground as she walked a moment before raising her head and calling out for Glacier and Killjoy. "Glacier! Killjoy! I need to speak with you!." Glacier-female-alpha-M: Killjoy, Gwendolyn Glaciers ears flickered as she heard Gwendolyn call out her name, she raised her head and stood to her paws heading in the direction of Gwendolyns voice before calling out. "Over here!" She then howled for Killjoy to join her.

Louvel (Lou) | M | Pup | Mentions: CALI "Maybe Cali maybe." Louvel sighed and padded in the grass until he spotted a light. He ignored it, he could get himself captured, or would that be a good way of discovering all the deadly woods secrets. He shook his head and scratched an itch behind his ear. He spoke to Cali,changin the subject "Now hunting a rabbit...So you need to smell it first then crouch then in a crouch and move very slowly towards it, always make sure the rabbit doesn't smell before you smell it...Once you're a pounce away, punch in it and bite it's neck and if you like you can say thanks for it's life." He looked at her, his eyes shining in excitement for he was teaching someone something that someone had taught him. He loved that feeling,and Lou felt lonely without it. Artemis | F | Omega | Mentions: ILLUSION Artemis looked at Gwendylon as she left calling out for Killjoy and Glacier, Killjoy had almost taken the role as Alpha Male. She shifted and looked up into Illusion's eyes. Without Gwendolyn to start a conversation, she thought of one. "So umm Illusion, what have you been doing today?" She said slowly but clearly. It was a lame one but the best one she could do. Opal | F | Snowy Owl | Mentions: (Open) Opal felt suddenly tired and she dropped low almost skimming the tops of many different trees. Opal then landed clumsily, half trying to be elegant and half not caring. She flopped down on a branch and cleaned herself .

|Gold| Gold wandered by a tree. He looked up. "Hello there." He blinked at the owl. "You look lost, need help finding someone?" His breathing was ragged, and he was panting. He took it as a chance to sit down. |Illusion| "I-I'm not sure." He looked at Gwendoyln. "I do remember seeing a tunnel near there, but I can't say I heard things. Killjoy is out of the pack right now." He looked around. What pup said that they saw Gold laying by the river? Gold! "We need to find Gold, he has lived here for over nine years! He'll know something about it." Illusion looked at Artemis. "I've been teaching Lou how to hunt rabbits, he's really good at it!" He smiled warmly. |Killjoy| Killjoy opened his eyes. He stood up, and gently put Sky on the ground. He licked the top of her head, and padded out of Seya's area. He went to go find River. "River?" He called, hoping to find her somewhere.
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Gwendolyn-Omega-Female-M: Illusion and Glacier Gwendolyn nodded to Illusions comment and heard Glaciers howl for Killjoy. She picked up the pace and trotted to Glacier finding her she padded up. "Glacier Illusion said that Killjoy is away right now but we should find Gold for what I am about to tell you. Illusion says Gold should have the answers for our questions afterwards. Glacier-Alpha-Female-M: Gwendolyn and Gold Glacier saw Gwendolyn approaching and listened to what she was saying. Gwendolyn explained that Killjoy was away right now and should find someone named Gold. She nodded and stood motioning for Gwendolyn to follow her. She gave a howl signaling to Gold that they were looking for him and had hoped to hear an answering howl to know where he was.

River River had wandered off not too far from them, but had somehow gotten lost. . .again. She had come across some blood, wolf blood, that smelled familiar but not sure what exactly. She had followed it stupidly and now she was lost. And way too close to the town for her liking. She turned in a full circle before finally growling at herself. She sat down and let out a howl, one full of frustration which portrayed mostly of what she was feeling right now. This was why she stuck to the mountains.
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Opal | F | Sniwy Owl | Mentions: Gold (I think) Opal looked down and spoke clearly " I am looking for someone named Illusion,my name is Opal and who are you?. She looked at the Wolf below panting . She decided to stay where she was as she too exhausted to go Ben stumbled down to the ground. Artemis | F | Omega | Mentions: Illusion Artemis hid her blush as she dreamed of Illusion pouncing on a rabbit. Then play fighting with her In the long grass for many hours. She blinked slowly and smiled and nodded and all she said was " Wow, you must be a good teacher then" she looked ant the grass and sneezed twice. (Sorry short)

|Killjoy| Killjoy heard the howl and smiled, he set off for it. It was not long before a came up to River. "Are you lost?" He smiled at her. "This way." He turned and set off the way he came. He had made sure to mark the ground on the way there, incase he got lost too. He closed his eyes, and looked at the birds flying around him. He smiled, and walked on. (Sorry it's so short <.<)
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River River looked up as she saw Killjoy. She smiled slightly, "Maybe just a little bit. I was following a trail before realizing where I was." She said, fluffing out her fur before catching up to walk beside him. She flicked an ear, hearing the birds chirp before saying, "It's peaceful out here."
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|Killjoy| Killjoy smiled and nodded. "It is, too bad it's so close to the humans." He looked back at them. "They are weird little things." He smiled, and watched the birds fly above. He chuckled as one hit a tree, before they walked past it. He stopped and looked down at it. "Should we take it to the healer?" He asked River, looking at her.
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Cali | F | Pup | M: Louvel Cali smiled at her brother deep down she didn't feel much of a hunter, at least for a young wolf she didn't have a good nose anymore it's as if the cave ruined her senses. "can you show me?" she asked her brother knowing it brings him joy.