
Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya's ears perked up as she heard a familiar voice. Turning around she saw Killjoy and walked up to him. She leaned her head down and placed it on top of Killjoy's. "I can try my best. It won't be perfect, but the best I can do is that she'll be able to make out small things up close." She said before looking at Sky. She approached her quietly and said, with a soft voice, "Hello there. My name is Seya. Do you have a name?" She made sure not to spook her as she sat down in front of her. She noticed a few more animals approached before leaving more gifts of kindness and leaving the scene. She looked up to see Opal flying back with something in her talons and her ears fell back in worry. Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* Yang walked through the area with a quickened pace before noticing a wolf stuck to a tree. Confused by the action he approached a small bit before sitting down in front of the tree. "What are you doing?" He asked the wolf before flicking his ear. He wasn't as calm with talking to pack wolves. "Name's Yang, by the way." He introduced himself before looking at the wolf once again. He moved his head to be pressed against his more fluffy part before hissing quietly at it. A small black snake popped out of his head with a slight hiss before staring at the she-wolf in the tree.

Cali | F | Pup | M: Louvel Cali trotted behind Lou as they walked to the river she heard Lou ask "what happened in the woods?" She then slowed to a walk right next to her brother " I went hunting..." she started "then there was this light I started following it, and I got stuck in the woods. It turns out the glow was just a firefly." she whimpered. " I've been stuck in there for what seemed like forever, everything looked the same, it was hard to get out" Cali looked over to Lou "but then I heard your voice." She smiled. Edited at November 16, 2021 08:56 PM by The Raptors

River River left Killjoy and Sky with the now black wolf that they seemed to know. Bounding towards their camp which wasn't too far away, she almost ran straight back into Shadow. "Sorry," she said quietly before noticing the reddish wolf beside him. She perked up before the old female padded forward. She never had gotten her name but then the blind female spoke to Killjoy, "Sky is blind? I could have given her a few lessons before I left." She noticed that Shadow laid down to the side watching and did the same.
Flame padded over, sniffing Sky, memorizing her scent again before saying gently, "Hello deary. Once Seya helps your eyes here a bit, I'll teach you how to move around your environment without running into anything." She sat down beside Killjoy, tilting her head towards Seya in greeting.
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|Killjoy| Killjoy closed his eyes happily whem Seya laid her head on his. He put Sky down, and spun around at a voice. "Flame!" He ran over to see her. "It's been a while!" |Sky| "Who are you?" Sky asked Seya. "Whats your name?" She blinked up at her. "What color are you?" She smelt around the air. It was a forest, and filled with mice, and other animals.
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Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya looked at Sky with a smile. "My name is Seya." She repeated. "My color was white but it is now black." She said and then hummed. "Is it alright if I try and heal you?" She asked as she saw Killjoy run off to another wolf.

|Sky| "Okay." Sky said. "It can't make it any worse." Sky sighed. |Killjoy| Killjoy trotted back over to Sky. He nuzzled her. "What can you do for her?" He meet her eyes. He looked down at the little white fluff ball. "How have you been Seya?" He asked, looking up at her.
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Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya looked at Killjoy before looking back at Sky. "The most I can do is make it so that she can see large shapes and a little bit of color." She said, "I cannot take away her blindness, however." She shook her head after saying that. She looked back up at Killjoy as she pawed her neck with her back paw. "I've been well. Shedding, though." She said and then laughed. "But you can see that." She smiled. "How have you been?" She asked him with a bow of her head.

|Killjoy| Killjoy smiled. "It's good that you've been good. I've been good. Busy!" He bowed his head at her too. "Thank you for helping Sky." He laid down next to Sky. Sky put her head on his shoulder. |Sky| Sky laid her head down on Killjoy's shoulder. She sighed happily, and wagged her tail. She closed her eyes, and drifted off to a painful sleep.
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Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya looked at Killjoy and saw him lay down. "Is it because you're becoming an Alpha? Or is that just a rumor I heard from the animals?" She asked him before looking back at Sky who was now on his shoulder. "I haven't done anything yet. We'll have to move her closer to my medicine patch and then I'll have to leave to heal the animals in the forest.." She trailed off, lost in her own thought.

Opal | F | Snowy Owl | Mentions: Seta,Windstream and that group Opal flew back and landed near carefully to not land on anyone. She landed gracefully in the same tree and swooped down slowly to Seya and her company. She dropped the rabbit, looking up she startled. Was that Killjoy?