
|Illusion| "I used to live here Lou. Go choose your den. If you want, your's can be next to mine. Tradition say's mine should be the alpha's but Killjoy let me have it. It was my fathers." His eye's twinkled in the sun. "Tomorrow, I can show you the river! It's huge, and full of fish! There's this big oak tree next to it, and the water reflections on it, it's so pretty!" His smile grew bigger talking about it. "We can invite Artemis, and Gwendolyn.... and" He trailed off, lost in thought.
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Gwendolyn-Omega-M: Artemis Gwendolyn was sleeping dreaming of Illusion and Artemis. Her dreams not so dark, she heard a sharp small yelp and snapped awake. As she snapped awake she jumped into a standing position looking around for any dangers her fur bristled. Seeing none she relaxed and turned to Artemis seeing her eyes wild and somewhat afraid. "Artemis are you alright?" She touched her nose to Artemis shoulder comfortingly. Glacier-Alpha-M:Pack IND M: Illusion, Lou, Killjoy Glacier smiled as they finally reached the camp. She gave a contented sigh happy to be done traveling and that most everyone was safe with them. She watched Illusion and Lou speak a moment before Illusion went to a cave, she watched Killjoy wander off to a cave himself, she suspected both were caves that belonged to them or family when they lived here before. She herself chose a nice den in the middle of the camp and laid down. She licked her paws, her fur still had black soot in it but right now all she wanted to do was rest.

|Killjoy| "Glaicer. Marbled found to new born's outside of camp, she wants to know if she can keep them. One has a docked tail, and a crooked leg, but I think he'll turn out fine." He was at the opening of her cave in a heartbeat when he saw her. |Sea| Sea walked into the forest to find Storming. She had run backm and was panting really hard. She looked around, and heard him speaking. "Storming?" She asked the bushes
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Windstream | Female | Snowy Owl *Quiet, aggressive* Windstream saw Faith fly away and soon return with food. "I saw the creature in a field before it ran away to water because one of the animals needed it." She said, looking down as that was all she remembered of the creature. She didn't want to disappoint the other, so she tried really hard to remember. "The white creature also had weird patterns on it's body since spring is almost here." She quietly pecked at the rabbit before she ate it slowly, swallowing it in one large bite. After she was done she flapped her wings to get herself awake before saying to Faith, "my name is Windstream. It's nice to meet you Faith." Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya looked at Frost with a weak smile as she knew he could see her fur changing much more clearer than Knight could. She sat down next to Frost and gently pulled him over to her. "Sorry, I just wanted to be able to talk with you and Knight if need be." She said, laying her head down on a paw, before looking back at Knight.

Dark Knight Knight looked at Seya's fur "I already know about the undercoat," he whispers (he does it was during the time they first met) (short)

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya looked at Knight and blinked twice before blushing. "O-oh." She said and laughed nervously. "Then you know that my fur sheads from white to black, huh?" She asked, smiling a little. "My fur's weird." She mumbled. Thanks mom for your fur pelt. She thought with a sigh. Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* Yang watched the two of them and looked at the fox, Frost, for a bit before he got up, stepped over Icicle, and moved to get a better look at them. He made sure to crouch down and do his best to hide his presence while he watched. He blinked and breathed slowly as his ears perked up. The snakes slithered out from his pelt to watch.

(I have not been on here in a while...But it is good to be back with everyone.^.^) Lemon Lemon watched silent as he walked around in the forest knowing one slight step can send everything falling down the hill.His breath heavy with every step he took he lifted on paw after another.Knowing he was on the edge with and could be seen seing so his yellow coat stood out like a sore thumb around the dark forest.He stoped and looked around then waited.He felt like eyes where around him and he stood up he started to lift the corners of his mouth his nose rinkled showing off his K-9s. Lean Lean laid next to the mouth of the cave tired.She let out a yawn and put her head on her paws her brindle coat moist with dew.She looked over at the pups and Icicle curled up and smiled to herslef, "Maybe I also will take a nap.".Her heart longed for Shadow to come back to the den/cave.She looked to her right one last time before closeing her eyes. Pups Maple looked at her siblings and smiled looking at oak.She pounced on Oak ina playful way and began to wrestle her brother.She nipped at his ear and kicked Spruce in the progress.Spruce looked at his siblings and walked over to his mom and laid next to her.

Glacier-Alpha-M: Killjoy and Marbled Glacier raised her head when she heard someone arrive at her den. She looked up to see Killjoy "Glacier, Marbled found newborn pups outside the camp. She was wondering if she could keep them. One has a docked tail and a crooked leg but I think that he will turn out fine." She heard Killjoy ask and nodded. "Yes Marbled can keep them, as long as you are sure the mother is not around or won't be back for them."

Louvel | Pup| Mentions: Illusion The pup looked up at his idol and spoke quietly " Oh ok thanks, you have time on your own, I sense you have more things to be thinking about" with that he nuzzled Illusion's paw, picked up his basket and trotted over to an empty den by Illusion's. Lou settled down his basket in a little crook and explored the den in wonder. At the back it had a small trickle of water coming from the roof, the walls were full of holes which seemed perfect to put stuff in. He dragged some moss and some other feathers from outside into his den and made his sleeping area in the corner where the water wasn't dripping. Next he explored further into the darkness beyond the trickle of water, This den goes on for ages Louvel thought. He trotted back to the light area and took some twigs and leaves from outside and scattered them as he went. Eventually he found a gap in the ceiling, he could smell mountainous rocks and snow mixing with the fresh forest smell snd a faint whispy smell of smoke . He didn't want to be long so he began to walk back. Artemis | omega | F| mentions: Gwendolyn Artemis looked back at her friend, who ad her fur bristled snd her eyes and ears were trying to see the danger that want there. All she managed to started was "Valkyrie, I saw Valkrie...my dead daughter...all...grown up with a black wolf with white star spots on her pt and eyes like the galaxy" then she added more quickly "Th black wolf said to Valkyrie that she shouldn't be talking to them whatever's that means and then it didn't make sense as it il the dream shifted and it was me and illusion with little Louvek in the middle and you watching over us and then Illusion....Illusion chased you off the edge." Artemis stood there frozen in fear and sadness not sure whether her dreams were true or not. Edited at September 17, 2021 05:16 PM by Pastry Lord

Dark Knight Knight gave Seya a smile "I think your pelt is beautiful, its like a dynamic." he says and nuzzles her fur "so what are you and the fox talking about" he glares at the fox