
Try me if you dare looked at the 2 wolves he snickered and climbed up a tree watching the wolves underneath him."Hey you ding dong thought you said you were smarter than me."He laughed

Splashes of love watched everything from her daughters side with the pups behind them.

Kai giggled. "I am" she replied, before jumping out of the way. The fox trap Sal had thrown went her way, bouncing off the ground it went towards the wolf, about to hit him in the face.

Try me if you dare pulled his head away fast enough to not get hit."Ah that was so easy weakling looks like your friend walked off."He laughed before climbing higher in the tree.

Sandstorm Sandstorm barely noticed that Delta had been taken by a bear, throne into a tree and made it out bleeding and scraped. "Where have you been? Rolling in thorns?" He asked his sister. "You don't know what just happened?!" Delta almost yelled at her brother. "No, what happened?" Sandstorm asked calmy. "I was...I was...I was...oh never mind!" She looked over at the valley. "This looks like a good place to live if we don't get back to the zoo. No bears, foxes or other wolves." she sniffed the air and smelled at the things around. Sandstorm looked too. "Look! There is a perfect den! And a stream! A water fall too!" Leaving Ash and Delta he bounded across the soft grass and rolled in the sweet clover. "Ahroo! Everyone! Come here!" Sandstorm let out another long howl to tell all his pack mates about the valley. "It's perfect!'

Kai studied the male, trotting around the tree. "So, if you're a wolf, how can you climb trees?" The female asked. "Wolves can't climb trees" she added.

Shadow | Loner | Male | M: Sal Shadow didn't break eye contact with the bear the whole time. He did however move into a more suitable position. Standing straight up, he curved his head slightly into a regal wolf position. Most pack wolves would be intimidated but Shadow knew that the bear wouldn't be. He raised his tail slightly, his ears flicking forward. Everything about his pose screamed, I will fight if I have to if you don't leave.
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Sal | Male | Bear | Mentions: Shadow Sal could read the wolf's pose, he wanted Sal to leave. "I'm not leaving, this is my territory, now you leave" the bear demanded.

|Killjoy| Male| Warrior| "If your so powerful, then kill that bear." Killjoy said. "Come get me Kai when he's done. I'm going to go hunt for the pack."
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"Ah hay you think I am dumb I am self taught he snickered.I am the brains of myself."He laughed "I think you could learn and wolves can climb trees this one is a peace of cake."He laughed.He looked down at the wolf and hearing a howl told the wolf under him "I think your pack is howling for you." / Try me if you dare laughed and said "Sure why do you need help."He laughed and jumped down to the grass landing on his feet.He snuck into the bushes watching the black wolf and the bear he crouched down and creeped up to the bear he got under the bear and ripped the bears stomach open before biteing his big jaw onto the bears intestance. Edited at March 11, 2021 02:25 PM by green everest