
Shadow | Loner | Male | M: Sal Shadow grinned as the bear bolted towards him. Dodging to one side, he clawed the bears side before jumping back. As quick as a falcon, he was behind the bear clawing its small tail. Circling the bear again, staying in it's blind spot, he leaped biting down on its ear hard. Leaping back, he dodged a swing from the bear before lunging underneath of it. Pulling on all his strength, he clawed it's stomach leaving blood trails before rolling out of the way. Pacing back and forth, he teased the bear yipping lowly. The stomach is a dangerous place for a wolf to be, but it is a bears weakness. Aim for the eyes, ears and muzzle as well. He had told himself this over and over again, locking it into his brain. He kept pacing, coming in here and there for nips at the bear.
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Taliene ~ Female ~ Scout ~ M: none ~ !!!danger!!! Taliene yelped when she saw the bear. She leaped forward in an attempt to land on it's back. She slips off his fur, but not before leaving a bite and multiple scratch marks. She tries to latch herself onto the bottom of it's throat but is quickly driven back when it roared. She ran to the brush, her hair standing on end. She snarled but whimpered loudly when she felt a cut on her leg. Her adrenaline rush blocked out the pain of the bear's claws when he kicked her off his side. Her leg stung as it bled. She backed further into the brush, carefully not putting any weight on her injured leg. She snarled again, but only managed a whimpering growl. She looked at her leg, now bleeding profusely. It felt strange. She hadn't been cut like this since, well, never. Her vision began to darken. Her eyelids drooped. Her leg started to go numb. She fought to stay awake, but she was loosing. Her eyelids were heavy. Her leg couldn't hold out. She collapsed on the ground. Her breathing became labored. She was loosing blood. It was pooling on the ground, staining her coat. She tried to call for help, but her voice was snuffed out when her body gave in to sleep.

Sal | Bear | Annoyed and Angry Male | Mentions: Lemon The bear was now annoyed by Lemon. So, he grabbed the wolf and threw him. He didn't like how he was biting at him, it didn't do any damage but it annoyed him. ((I hope that's okay, Try Us))

|Killjoy| male| Warrior/hunter| Killjoy grabbed the scruff of the huge bear. He pulled back as hard as he could. "Leave my pack be!" He growled in the bears ear as his teeth begain to break a little bit of skin.
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Kai | Female | Beta | Mentions: Poor Taliene 3: Kai from behind the bushes noticed her fellow packmate Taliene, lying on the ground. "Taliene" she whispered. With no responce the female trotted over, noticing blood she started to worry. "Taliene!" Kai repeated, getting louder as she worried even more.

Flame | Elder | Female | M: Sal, Lemon, Taliene Flame froze as the grizzly came out with the lone wolf close behind. She backed up as the other wolves pounced on the bear. She saw Lemon close by before seeing Taliene retreat into the brush. She collected Starless Night who was hiding in a bush, and went into the brush. Starless Night upon seeing the injured wolf, immediately went to work on stopping the blood.
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Sal | Male | Annoyed Bear| Mentions: Killjoy Now feeling that the wolf tore some skin, he grabbed it and slammed it against a tree. He, once again, gave out another loud and angered roar. ((I hope that's okay, Jumping Wolves)) - Bronze | Male | Omega | Mentions: Sal The terrified male started bolting to safty. He bolted right under Sal and into a bush which is where he hid.

Shadow | Loner | Male | M: Sal Shadow paced before tearing into the bear's ear. Jumping out of the way he circled, growling and snarling. Blood stained his teeth and claws now. He remembered this bear now. The last time he saw him was when Shadow had killed that coyote that was in the territory. The bear had gotten out of his way after that. Growling, he reared showing his full height and his scars. Surprisingly to him, many seemed to remember his scars more than his face so it might make a difference.
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Sal | Bear | Male | Mentions: Shadow When Sal noticed Shadow's scars, he became more angry. He charged at the male, swinging to throw him. The scars reminded him of his father who passed away saving him and his mother.

|Killjoy| Male| Warrior/hunter| Killjoy yelped as he got slammed into a tree. He let out a yelp. He sunk to the ground.He got up and tried to go back to th bear. He snapped at the legs. |Fern| Female| Scout| Fern saw Killjoy start to snap at the bear. She grabbed him by the tail, and began to drag him backwards.
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