
Kai | Female | Beta | Mentions: Flame, Starless Night, Lemon Once the elder refused the small fish Kai had brought her, she turned around to Starless Night. She dropped it at his feet. "Here, take it" she whispered, before turning ahead to listed to Lemon. - Bronze | Male | Omega | Mentions: Lemon, Starless Night The male soon trotted away and leaped over to them. He noticed Lemon was going to show them the den. He got very excited. He jumped around, his body full of energy. With one of those jumps, he bumped into another wolf, it was Starless Night. He rolled into the water. Not thinking about if he hurt Starless Night or not he started splashing in the water. ((If anyone is wondering, no, Bronze is not a pup, he's an adult. He just can't focus very well and be serious))

Edited at March 11, 2021 12:00 PM by The Legendary Wolf

Delta-Female-4-Scout-M: Flame, Ash Delta watched as Ash plunged into the water and laughted. "You don't do it like that!" She told her twin and crouched down, "You do it like this!" Waiting for a fish she jumped high in the air and was about to land on it when she heard Flame's instructions. "You have to get your paw underneath the fish in order to flip it out. Trout fishing is easy as the fish is lazy." Delta realized in mid-air that she had done it wrong and plunged down into the water just like Ash. The only diference was that Delta had a brown coat instead of a black one so the fish didn't see Delta until she was on top of it. "Ew! What did I land on!?" Delta ran around and her sister did the same. Ash had a fear of water and Delta had a fear of slimy things. They both ran around wet and shaking until they ran into each other and fell onto the ground sweating and panting for air.

Sal | Male | Bear | Mentions: The Entire Wolf Pack :> Sal could hear something in the distance... wolves. He sat up, his large brown body hitting some leaves at the top of a tree. He started bolting at their way, the ground around him rumbling. Kai could hear something coming, and sat up, her ears flat against her head. "W-What is that?" She mumbled as she noticed a large shadow raise. She couldn't see any eyes but she could see small outlines of very long claws. Then, a large roar could be heard. ((I hope this is okay?)) Edited at March 11, 2021 12:06 PM by The Legendary Wolf

(It's fine, we need a little drama anyway. Also, where in the world is the alpha's??) Shadow | Loner | Male | M: Sal, Wolf Pack Shadow trotted through the forest before hearing a distant howl. Wolves? I don't recognize that howl. Curios, he started towards the town. After a couple moments, he came to a stream before hearing a roar and the ground rumbling. Flattening his ears, he knew that a grizzly was nearby. Crossing the stream, he almost ran smack into the wolf growling at the grizzly(Kai). Circling around, he quickly figured out that there was about 6-10 wolves in the pack and that the grizzly was mad. Sighing, he let out a low deep howl signaling to all of them that they were in his territory.
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Sal | Bear | Angry Male | Mentions: Wolf Pack, Shadow Once the bear heard a wolf howl, he exploded. He bolted at the female growling (Kai) and tried stomping on her. Kai dodged though and pounced on his back. She tried sinking her teeth into his neck, but his neck fur was too thick. Sal grinned and rolled onto his back, almost breaking the female's paw. She yelped a small bit and leaped off of his back. She trotted into the woods to study the bear while he bolted after the lone wolf.

Lemon watched this before sinking his teeth into the bears hind leg and makeing the bear turn his way Lemon stood his groundand let out a snarl that mad hiself mad he looked at the bear with anger in his eyes.He glanced at the wolf that let out a howl and began snarling even more feircely.His Focus was on the bear and the bear only with his teeth showing he let out a feirce bark and growl.

|Killjoy| Male| Hunter/warrior| Killjoy turned on his hunches. He bolted towards the sound. He barked at the bear and leaped at the neck. He gradded onto it, and felt a rush of blood. He was shook off, and landed on his side. He leaped at it again, and landed on it's back, where it could not bite at him. |Fern| Female| Scout| She saw killjoy turn around and run, so she did too. She saw his on the bears back. She lunged at the legs, and began to bite them
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Sal | Male | Angry Bear | Mentions: Lemon, Shadow The bear laughed at Lemon. "Weak" he whispered under his breathe. He ignored the male. Lemon didn't do any damage to the bear due to the fact that his fur was so thick. His only focus was Shadow. He had thought he'd seen Shadow before and was more worried about him, so, he continued bolting.

Lemon looked at the wolf on the bears back and began biteing at the legs he forced his body under the bear and bit the stomach of the bear he crawled out from under the bear to see what will happen next he looked at Flame and wondered what was going on in her mind.