
Lemon sat on the bank watching fish go bye he say two fih swimming besides each other he plunked his mouth in and caught both sitting them on the bank.He got back to his spot on the bank and watched the fish before dodgeing his head in and catching one more fish to give the other wolves.

(im off for today) 🐺Amaruq🐺hunter/warrior🐺male🐺m:Flame, Tailene, lemon Amaruq smiled at Flame and turned his head hearing a yelp he watched Tailene he sniffed at her fur making sure she wasnt wounded "Are you okay?" he asked worry showing in his greyish brown eyes. 💥Amethyst💥hunter/warrior💥female Amethyst rolled her eye's at her brother's "weaklings" she muttered snatching a fish from flame and trotting off to eat by herself she wasnt in the mood to deal with her pack mates. Edited at March 11, 2021 11:06 AM by ~The ultima pack~

Ash-Female-4-Scout/mother-M: Shrike Ash was kicked of the truck and she grabbed Shrike, the little cub was dangling by his scruf in his mother's mouth as they landed on the ground. Ash got up and let Skrike out of her grasp, the jet black wolf wandered around the road then jumped back as another car came rolling by. Running over to everyone else she looked at the stream and all the fish. Yum, fish dinner! She though and jumped to a rock in the middle of the river. Waiting she jumped in the air to catch a fish that swam too close to her rock but splashed into the river empty pawed.

Bronze | Male | Omega | Mentions: Topaz Bronze leaped around, wagging his tail. Then, his eye caught sight of a butterfly. He bolted after it. Not paying attention, he bolted right into someone, it was Topaz. He fell over with a groan. "Urgh-" He growled, before realizing who it was. It was Topaz. He whined. "Are you okay?" He asked.

|Killjoy| Male| Warrior/hunter| Killjoy dipped his paws into the river. He sighed. They needed to find shelter for the night. He heard something big in the bushes. "Deer" he whispered |Fern| Female| Scout| She began to drink. She looked up at Killjoy said that there was a deer on the other side of the bushes. She locked eyes with him and crouched down. They both began to stalk it.
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Flame | Elder | Female | M: Ash Flame chuckled at Ash before moving another fish to her. "You have to get your paw underneath the fish in order to flip it out. Trout fishing is easy as the fish is lazy." Flame explained before flipping another fish out for herself. Laying down, she started eating the delicious soft meat.
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Taliene stepped into the cool stream after eating her fill. The cool water rushed around her paws. Guppies and minnows darted in and out between her legs. A few brave ones nibbled at her paw pads. She began to walk downstream. She made it 10 feet before she stepped off a large and plunged into the water. She yelped and swam to the shore. Shaking her coat, she galloped back to where everyone else was. She shivered when the breeze hit her coat.

Lemon ate his fish in peace and looked around it was starting to get dark he looked at the other wolves and walked to Flame "Flame we need to go I know a place not far from here we can go and stay at for the night."He looked at her then at the other wolves.

Kai | Female | Beta | Mentions: Flame Kai trotted over to the stream and licked up some water. "I didn't think I would be so thirsty" the female thought. She then noticed a small fish. She bent down and waited for it to come close before pouncing, catching it under her paws. Not knowing what to do next she slowly moved her paws to the sides of it, one paw on the end of it and another on it's head. She then gripped the middle and lifted it into the air. Once she knew it was dead she trotted over to Flame and dropped it in front of her. "Please, eat" she whispered.

Flame | Elder | Female | M: Kai, Lemon, Everyone else Flame looked up at Lemon before nodding. Looking at the small fish Kai brought her, she nudged it back to her. "You need your strength too. Lemon, please take us to this place you speak of." She let out a howl, calling everyone to her. She hoped that the alpha's would be making some good decisions once they got to a safe place. Starless Night | Healer | Male | M: Lemon, Kai, anyone else Starless Night came over to the rest before hearing Flame howl. Trotting over to her, he waited for the others. While waiting, he dipped his paw into the water scooping a small trout out of the water like Flame had showed Ash. Snacking on the fish, he waited for Lemon to say when to go.
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