
Edited at March 10, 2021 11:55 AM by The Legendary Wolf

Edited at March 10, 2021 11:55 AM by The Legendary Wolf

Starless Night | Healer | Male | M: Lemon, Kai Starless Night watched the female walk off before turning to Lemon, hearing him talking. He smiled slightly before responding, "Your lucky to know this land. And this pack is lucky to have you." His eyes saddened at the thought of his old pack before shaking it off, "Where is this pack going anyway?"
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"I do not know I am just a fallower I guess you could say.I was a lone wolf before getting caught and brought here to this pack,becareful tho the alphas are a little mean at first but then they are so nice once you get to know them that is.Flame is so nice she is the one who helped me into this pack...I was so alone but wolves turned there head when I walked up to them because of my coat a yellow wolf they would say he must be dangerous."Lemon responded with a sigh.

💎Topaz💎Beta 💎male💎m:everyone Topaz jolted awake and shook the leaves off his pelt he trotted over to lemon "Lemon where's flame amaruq and Amethyst?" Topaz asked wincing as he put preasure on his left hind leg "Also why was i in a bush?" (sorry guys im very busy so if i dont answer till the next day you know i didnt get a chance to take a break and look on here) Edited at March 10, 2021 01:13 PM by ~The ultima pack~

|Killjoy| Male| Warrior/hunter| M: kai| "I'm fine." Killjoy said. His head snapped around towards the bushes on the other side of the road. He pounced into the bushes. His paw landed on a head of a mouse. Opps. He thought as he picked up the dead mouce by the tail. He brought it over to Kai. "Eat" he said putting it down at her paws. He then walked over to where the rest of the pack was and sat down in the blackest shadow he could find.
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"I honestly do not know I was talking to him."Lemon nodded towards Starless night "But I think you could ask the others I think they would know."

Kai | Female | Beta | Mentions: Killjoy Kai looked down at the mouse. She picked it up and ate it. She then trotted over to Killjoy and licked his nose as a thanks. She then lied beside him. "Thank you..." she whispered to him just in case he didn't understand the nose thing.

💎Topaz💎Beta 💎male💎m:everyone he followed His sister's scent at a trot it mingled with amaruq 's he dipped his head toward kai and killjoy as he passed them. He lowered himself into a crouch and instantly yelped making his sister and brother turn their head's toward him and topaz was instantly pinned down by a very happy ameythst. 💥Amethyst💥hunter/warrior💥female Ameythst pounced onto topaz to seem stern and mad she did her best mad face and growled "How dare you get off the truck last! you got yourself hurt!" she got off him but kept growling at topaz trying to be upset.

Kai | Female | Beta | Mentions: Amethyst, Topaz Kai noticed the two and stood up. Confused a low growl escaped her muzzle. She had heard Topaz yelp and thought Amethyst was hurting him, which made her upset. She had always been taught to respect all of the wolves in the pack, even the ones with lower ranks. And, Topaz being a fellow beta, she got very protective.