
🐺Amaruq🐺hunter/warrior🐺male🐺m:everyone Amaruq turned his head trying to find his mate suddenly he got a idea he put his paw through the space between the bar’s and played with the lock that kept the cage shut he used a claw to unlock the cage he yelped as half of his claw fell off but the cage opened he walked out of the cage careful not to fall off the truck he used another claw to unlock the cage that topaz kai flame and lemon was in he jumped onto where the other cages were he thankfully made it since the trucks were at a weird black thing with a red light coming out of it . he walked toward his sister’s and unlocked it then where ash delta and the pups were “come on guys we have to get out of here!”

Taliene ~ Female ~ Scout ~ M: none Taliene woke from her slumber to see the bars of her cage. She felt a breeze ruffle her fur. It was dark and musty, with little light. She could smell her pack. She called out "Hello? What's going on?" She could feel the rumble of the tires beneath her feet. She backed away from the bars and felt another furry body behind her. She turned and let out a startled yap. Her senses were on high alert. She couldn't see anything except for other cages filled with wolves. She smelled them. She began to panic. Where was the sky? The grass? Why weren't they in their pen? Questions swarmed her mind, causing her a headache. Okay, calm down, it'll be alright in the end, she thought to herself.

Flame | Elder | Female | M: Amaruq, Topaz, Kai, Lemon Flame looked up as Amaruq got free. Amaruq unlocked the rest of their cages before jumping onto the other truck at a red light. She got up just as the trucks started moving again. Going to the edge of the truck, she quickly regrouped into her cage. If she jumped, she would hurt her old legs. Maybe if I was younger but not now. She let out a sigh before letting out a howl to the others. "Everyone off the trucks! Wait for the next time they stop!" She laid down, waiting for the truck to stop again.
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|Killjoy| Male| Warroir/hunter| M: Everyone "Are you all crazy?!" Killyjoy shouted. "Your gonna get yourselves killed!" He said as his cage's door swung and hit him in the face. The truck hit the brakes and he flew out of the truck bed. He landed on his side. Where were they? He sighed. "Come on, lets go fine the rest out you crazy wolve's pack." He huffed as he began to follow their scent.
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Starless Night | Healer | Loner(at the moment) | M: Wolf Pack Starless Night was wandering through the edges of the town when he heard a howl. Letting out his own howl, he started after the sound, hoping he could find a pack. He could still smell his last pack on him, a vague reminder of how far he had come looking for a pack. He shuddered as his memory faded back. That day when he had come back from scouting for herbs, and they were all dead. He pushed it out of his mind as he kept going towards the howl.
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Taliene ~ Female ~ Scout ~ M: none Taliene nosed her door open. She ran to the edge but stopped when Flame howled to stop and wait. She sat at the edge, seeing the landscape go by. She looked around and saw the other trucks carrying her pack mates. She sniffed the air, smelling weird things. One smell was rather pungent, coming from the truck. She looked around for the Alpha, unable to find them. She was calm, despite not knowing where they were bound. All she knew was that they hopefully weren't gonna die.

Jewel~2~Alpha Female She jumped out of that truck as if her butt was on fire. she growled at the truck as it went away. An image of her mother being shot was strong in her head. she shook it off. she had technically been a loner for the first year of her life although almost everyone in the pack did not know it yet. she and Lemon had at least one thing in common yet she knew what was happening Flame coulden't jump because of her oldness it would hurt her legs and limbs. even if Jewel knew this it did not make it any easier to leave her behind.

|Killjoy| Male| Hunter/warrior| M: Flame| Killjoy turned around. He was the Alpha Female standing there, but where was Flame? He growled and bolted up the dirt road after the truck. His fur brushed Jewel's as he passed. He could not let Flame go. His fur burned in the sun, and he began to pant as he chased it. After a few minutes the truck stopped. "Flame!" He called "Let's go! The truck stopped!"
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Taliene ~ Female ~ Scout ~ M: none Taliene watched as the Alpha female jumped out of the truck. She braced herself and jumped the tailgate. She landed on her feet and whimpered as her foot twisted beneath her. She scrambled away from the road and towards the Alpha. "Guys, come on!" she called to the rest of the pack on the truck. She ran back to the truck. "Come on guys, you can do it!" she shouted encouragingly to the pack. Edited at March 9, 2021 01:38 PM by SweetFire AlphaPack

After the truck stoped again Amaruq gently picked Shrike up by the scruff and quickly jumped off he gently placed Shrike next to jewel he sprinetd after Killjoy to see his brother gaurding flame the truck started to rumble and panic filled Amaruq 💎Topaz💎Beta 💎male💎m:flame Topaz quickly head butted flame off before the truck started to move he head butted his sister next then ash the truck started to pick up pace and he leaped from the truck only to get hit a car that was following the truck they were in he yelped once hearing the screaming of his sister calling his name then everything went black. 💥Amethyst💥hunter/warrior💥female Amethyst was head butted off the truck right after flame she instantly trotted over to jewel to make sure the alpha female was okay (im suprised) she turned toward the truck to see ash get head butted by topaz and thats when everything went wrong. she heard a sickening cracks and turned toward the truck again to see her brother laying limpy on the ground a car ahead of him as if nothing happened she instantly screamed "TOPAZ!" and sprinted toward her brother's limp body Amaruq got there first since he was much closer Edited at March 9, 2021 01:48 PM by ~The ultima pack~