
B. I'd like to check on the dog. It seemed afraid earlier, hopefully it's not hurt.
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Game Moderator Neutral
Rouge Wildfires You grab the books and papers then put them in your bag then you scan the area but couldn't find anything though maybe the books and papers would come in handy. Suddenly your dog pulled you into a run with fur standing up and ears back. You were pulled into another cave just as some wind hit you from behind and you stumbled but didn't fall. A snarl was heard followed by a yowl of pain before silence but your datapad vibrated. A pair of bright green eyes watched you as you recovered your breath. There was a whine as your dog looked at you. It wanted to know if it did wrong. What is your plan: A) Scold your dog for pulling you B) Reassure the dog C) Just look around the cave you are in D) See what rescued you E) Up to you
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Pack number: Place you want to go: The Path of Unknown Items: Big bag, Red box, Lead, Ropes, Muzzle, Chain, Halter, Collar, Data Pad, Kibble, Raw Meat, Fish, Grass Creature you are after: A Horse, dog, or cat. Will take any creature though :) Total Price: 120 Mushrooms Ready?: I will be tomorrow at about 5 (School starts :p)

Game Moderator Neutral
Night Shade You turn your focus on the dog and calmly checked them for any injuries even parting some fur. It looked at you confused as you continued to check but all you found were scratches from maybe sticks before they stumbled across the leopardess. Scared but unharmed was the dog. Checking your bag and you realized you had no more meat. What would you like to do? A) Claim the dog now B) Leave and see what else you can find (50/50 chance of dog following) C) Glare at the owl D) Up to you
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Game Moderator Neutral
Full Moon's Fire said: Pack number: Place you want to go: The Path of Unknown Items: Big bag, Red box, Lead, Ropes, Muzzle, Chain, Halter, Collar, Data Pad, Kibble, Raw Meat, Fish, Grass Creature you are after: A Horse, dog, or cat. Will take any creature though :) Total Price: 120 Mushrooms Ready?: I will be tomorrow at about 5 (School starts :p)
You will be added in reserves for now
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Game Moderator Neutral
Misfit Roses You decide it is the perfect time to fish so holding the spear stick carefully before you stare at the water and watched the fish swim. You fished up a bucked to which you empty of water before setting it down. You fished up a book? You see some bubbles on the left corner of the stream but you could see fish swimming in the middle of the stream. Where to fish?: A) Bubbles B) Fish in middle of stream
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B. Satisfied that the dog is unharmed I turn to leave the area and continue exploring.
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B) I'll start in the big barn
