weewoo, my ship is finally where she belongs- at our home port. :D
They let us go up to the flight deck and ohmygosh I was giddy. There's 14 piers total here, my ship being at 12. Normally we're pier 14 buut we got shuffled a little which is fine by me. We aren't dead last now xD
anyways! I'm back until they can get the ship up and running. There's two ships next to us right now (another aircraft carrier and then an LHD class ship and I got all giddy over the LHD because it's a different type of ship than the one I'm on. *^*)
That does sound cool. My excitement today was taking my kitties to the vet for their annuals and one nervous purrs and the other acts vicious unless I hold him. Then he only hisses at them but doesn't fight.
I know my one kitty will let me hold him and won't lash out so that is why I offered to hold him for the vet. My other kitty I don't think has a mean bone in his body. Granted that one is over 20 lbs... my doggos aren't bad at the vet but if I don't take the big dog, the little dog is more scared.
if y'all want a little peak at a few images i took- here ya go! the first one is a peak at the flight deck while the other two are quick photos of one of the neighbors my ship has at the moment. c: