
Briar being a little spiteful gremlin is my favorite mood. Now to work on Ming~

Hell yes!! Possible Evelyn response B)

I know need the Bar to have Elle have a meltdown over what just happened lmao.

I have the urge to create a character that all his friends call him mom or the mother lmao.

omg- do it.
totally unrelated but I made a new character today who is an absolute blank slate save from his name and appearance. I'm struggling :'D
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Me excited for the WIP Post. Also, new character 👀

It's almost gonna go up, i keep getting sidetracked. D:also, yeee- Elias
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I won't sidetrack you anymore and I'm excited lmao. Hes hot, I'm a sucker for white haired characters.

ahaha, i feel like I always tend to have characters who don't have any like- outstanding features? Ikaris had long hair, but now it's short and it'll probably stay short because I like it wayyy more than I thought I would and sure- he's got some scars but like, I dunnoo
Elias has the spine tattoo, so maybe that's a feature that isn't too basic ? I have no clue but I swear I feel like I've got basic looking boys. xD
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Briar has his natural platinum blond nearly white streak in his hair, his golden eyes and beauty marks. I am debating giving him a tattoo.