
Yea! Glad your okay as well

I'm glad everyone is okay! I've never experienced a hurricane in my area, but I know the damage they can do >.<
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Definitely! This was my 4th or 5th one and they don't get less scary for me, but we at least know how to handle them I feel like after having the practice.
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I live in ohio and for some reason upper mid west states like us near lake eerie. We get all the east coast and Floridian coast rebound weather. So all the rain and shit hit us today.

Also my vampire peoples. I want to start working on making Kiran for this roleplay but need him to have a sire. Any volunteers

I would offer Drey but he sticks to animals for blood. Also I am working on a tori post. Edited at November 11, 2022 06:02 PM by FrostyK

Cal could have bitten Kiran if he's a newly turned vampire as well? Edited at November 11, 2022 07:31 PM by Nox
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Kiran is very fresh has been avoiding his friend Mosi for a week now claiming "visit family" since he was attacked and trying to figure out what's happening I'm assuming he's at the place with the other vampires either by force or something else. I need to brainstorm more. Ideas are always welcome in my pms

hmm, I've gotta get Jackson into this roleplay somehow. >.>
Poor mans was thrown into it by me but holy hell- I'm at a loss on what to do with him. lol
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I'm just trying to decide how much of a gay panic Briar shall have