
So I'm 19 and I'm doing my ABC Lisence. And I realized that Elle is a bartender, and she knows Ikaris's drinking habits, his limits, and his tells. And the law requires that you cut off a person when visibly intoxicated or have a tell. So knowing what I know about her, when it comes to Briar she may not do that, and there are cameras above bars to have evidence of neglect and such. So her coaxing him to drink more drinks is VERY illegal, and as hinted in the first post she used it against him. And now harassment like nothing happened? This girl has caught herself a case >:)

Not my adult ass over here genuinely being like "ABC License? You need a License to Spell where you live...?" I've never once claimed to be very smart.

Oh- Alcoholic Beverage Commission. In my state all servers/bartenders must have their ABC License to handle sales and pouring/handling of liquor. And the minimum age you can receive one is 18, and since I'm 19 and working at a upper class restaurant I need to have my license to be able to give guests alcohol and handle it. I am taking an online course and it explains the legality's involved with it along with how to tell their BAC ( Blood Alcohol Comsumption ) rate just by the strength of the drink you give them and other factors. It's rather fascinating.

I figured it was something along that lines after I read the entire post. I work in a hotel, and the primary coworker I work with is the Bartender. And I know all of our Bartenders have to have a license to work at either of the two bars we have.

I see. I see. That's fun! _______ But yes, using camera evidence against her and other recordings he'll gather, he'll lead her to her downfall.

Tori would be willing to help Briar by being the person that gets overly drunk since Elle may not Remember her either to cause a distraction for Briar to get the camera footage.

Going into work be on at around 3 pm game time

I'm already at work, but since I work an office job, I can be on here B) I will say, we're getting back the baby today, so I won't be as active (especially since my husband has the cold, too)

Oop hello, my headspace is a little whack today so 🥴 Driving with Simon is Mosi, Tori(?), Briar(?).
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And Raven <3 Although, I might just have her meet Simon and them at the town xD Nox said: Oop hello, my headspace is a little whack today so 🥴 Driving with Simon is Mosi, Tori(?), Briar(?).
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