
Raewyn said:
Cutting Edge said:
Raewyn said: Another drawing of Cún's awesome OC Nightmare.
Decided to whip out my coloured pencils for once :D
https://s8.postimg.cc/dk63syxad/153543804280386848788.jpg (C)144027
You have to teach me! Your shading is incredible!
I might make a shading tutorial :3
You should. I'm ok at shapes and anatomy, but my shading needs help xP

Ayee I'm so honoured :D
Thanks for drawing her again xb

Cún. said: Ayee I'm so honoured :D
Thanks for drawing her again xb

I found an old Sketchbook. So another (old) Art Haul! *cringe* :') Some old sketches ;-; The original sketch for a digital piece I made A very bad pen sketch of a OC xD A /awful/ vent drawing, oof x.x An halariously weird species I made xD Edited at June 21, 2020 12:02 AM by Raewyn

A drawing/shading tutorial I decided to make :)


The nose on the second one does seem a little long. I also see a lot of similar poses for the horses so maybe trying something new would be nice? Other than that they are all very well done and stunning! I would love to see more!

On the traditional art, I can see that you've got most of the anatomy right :D However make sure you get the muzzle length right and focus on which way the face is facing. The dragon is an example to look at

00 Ghost Hunters said: The nose on the second one does seem a little long. I also see a lot of similar poses for the horses so maybe trying something new would be nice? Other than that they are all very well done and stunning! I would love to see more!
Yeah, I have a problem with nose length, I need to learn a way to make sure its the right size. Usually I draw them too small and wide.
I have a problem with staying in my comfort zone of headshots xD I also always draw horses facing left. Im not sure why, I think its just a habit. But yeah, I want to start trying more dynamic poses and such

Raewyn said:
Yeah, I have a problem with nose length, I need to learn a way to make sure its the right size. Usually I draw them too small and wide.
I have a problem with staying in my comfort zone of headshots xD I also always draw horses facing left. Im not sure why, I think its just a habit. But yeah, I want to start trying more dynamic poses and such
I can understand that. Its so easy to just stick with what you know xD
I find that if I'm not sure about the length of something it can be good to take a step back and look at the art from a small distance. Sometimes it can help you catch things that don't quite work or spot proportions that don't quite match.