
Wolf gender: N/A Wolf rarity: 20-40+ Rarity Boost/Defect: Either DH, UL or ES (if possible) Talents: Any amount Specific coat: N/A Specific eye colour: N/A Specific nose colour: N/A Anything else you want: If possible HW or Hero PACK NUMBER: 296017 Edited at December 6, 2022 05:17 AM by Grey Skies Pack

Wolf gender: Preferably female but male is fine. Wolf rareity: 40+ Boost/Defect: Any defect that changes the pelt is fine. Talents: 20-25+ please Specific coat: Bonfire or reverse bonfire Specific eye colour: Aqua or topaz Specific nose colour: N/A Anything else you want: N/A PACK NUMBER: 268795 ~~~~~~ Wolf gender: male Wolf rareity: 80+ Boost/Defect: A boost and a defect, but just a boost is fine. Talents: 35+ please Specific coat: Limonite or Rosewood Specific eye colour: Amethyst Specific nose colour: N/A Anything else you want: N/A PACK NUMBER: 268795 Edited at December 7, 2022 12:46 AM by Greenfall

Pack number 493425 female talent is a N/A a cool defect like extra toes etc. rarity is a N/A extra markings thank you!

Wolf gender Preferably female, but male is ok Wolf rarity Around 30+ AC rarity, but if there is an uncommon nose or eye I won't be opposed Boost/Defect Any of these: - Divine Heath - Crushing Strength - Elite Speed Talents 5+ Specific coat n/a Specific eye colour n/a Specific nose colour n/a Anything else you want g1-g3, hw, hero PACK NUMBER 2821189 Edited at January 5, 2023 12:27 PM by Wolffe

Wolf gender: (Female, Male, N/A) NA Wolf rareity: (If you want AC please state that as well) NA Boost/Defect: Divine Health Talents: 10+ Specific coat: NA Specific eye colour: NA Specific nose colour: NA Anything else you want: under 4 years old PACK NUMBER: 293585

Wolf gender: (Female, Male, N/A) Female Wolf rareity: (If you want AC please state that as well) 20+ Boost/Defect: N/A Talents: 50+ Specific coat: N/A Specific eye colour: N/A Specific nose colour: N/A Anything else you want: preferably a pup PACK NUMBER: 279430

Wolf gender: (Female, Male, N/A) Female Wolf rarity: (If you want AC please state that as well) 20+ Boost/Defect: Divine Health or Crushing Strength or Elite Speed Talents: 10+ Specific coat: NA Specific eye colour: NA Specific nose colour: NA Anything else you want: under 4 years PACK NUMBER: 295909

Wolf gender: Female Wolf rareity: 15+ Boost/Defect: Black Phase TwT Talents: Any Specific coat: N/A Specific eye colour: Green type Specific nose colour: N/A Anything else you want: Preferably 1-4 years PACK NUMBER: 290446 Edited at March 4, 2023 06:40 PM by Foxspirit

Wolf gender: Female Wolf rareity: 25+ AC Boost/Defect: Any Talents: 5+ Specific coat: Any Specific eye colour: Any Specific nose colour: Prefer black but any are fine Anything else you want: CL, hero, HW, under 5 years PACK NUMBER: 299518

Wolf gender: Preferably male but I don't really mind Wolf rarity: Preferably above 15 Boost/Defect: Melanism Talents: Don't mind Specific coat: Any Specific eye colour: Any Specific nose colour: Any Anything else you want: PACK NUMBER:299753