
Wolf gender: female Wolf rarity: N/A Boost/Defect: Matrons blessing + albino/mela/BP/chim Talents: N/A Specific coat: N/A Specific eye colour: N/A Specific nose colour: N/A Anything else you want: N/A PACK NUMBER: 290350

Wolf Gender: Male Wolf Rarity: Over 10 Boost/Defect: Gaelic Blood or any health or battle boost Talents: 100+ Specific Coat: n/a Specific eye color: n/a Specific nose color: n/a Anything else: There doesnt have to be any boost I just want a 100+ talent wolf Pack Number: 265679
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Edit: Got chims <3 Just looking for temprest wings & warrior dye. Pack numb; 290096 Edited at May 31, 2023 02:17 PM by Stxrmmix <3

Wolf Gender: Female Wolf rarity: 25+ Boost/Defect: melanism (optional) Talents: Resolve, Battle Specific coat: Peach, or winter dynamic, or dark quartzite Specific eye color: amethyst Specific nose color: peach (for peach coat), dark grey snow nose or any darker nose color (for winter dynamic or dark quartzite coat) Anything else: whatever you want to add Pack number: 292771

Wolf Gender: N/A Wolf Rarity: AC (preferably 15+, but not required) Boost/Defect: Yes. Preferably DH, but any boost works. Defects (with no penalties!) are fine too. Talents: Preferably 50+, but 15+ works too. Specific coat: N/A Specific eye colour: N/A Specific nose colour: N/A Anything else you want: Heavyweight PACK NUMBER: 279713

Wolf gender: (Female, Male, N/A) Female is preferred Wolf rarity: (If you want AC please state that as well) N/A Boost/Defect: Black Phase would be much appreciated, but I understand those are hard to get Talents: More than 50
Specific coat: N/A Specific eye colour: N/A Specific nose colour: N/A Anything else you want: Nope!

Wolf gender: N/A Wolf rareity: 25+ would be nice but i dont really care and i dont know what AC is lol Boost/Defect: chimera Talents: N/A Specific coat: N/A Specific eye colour: N/A Specific nose colour: N/A Anything else you want: N/A PACK NUMBER: 285780 To sum it all up: I just want a chimera but if posible rarity above 25 ~~~ Wolf gender: N/A Wolf rareity: 100+ Boost/Defect:N/A Talents:N/A Specific coat:N/A Specific eye colour:N/A Specific nose colour:N/A Anything else you want:N/A PACK NUMBER: 285780 To sum it all up: I want a wolf thats 100 rarity or perferable above :) Note: Thank you for doing this. Now i have a shot at my 2 dream wolves :D

Wolf gender: (Female, Male, N/A) Preferably male but female works too Wolf rareity: (If you want AC please state that as well) don't care Boost/Defect: DH Talents: Don't care Specific coat: Don't care Specific eye colour: Don't care Specific nose colour: Don't care Anything else you want: preferably decent battle cp from talents? PACK NUMBER: 273745 Thank you so much!

Edited at October 3, 2022 02:26 PM by Fangsoffire
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Wolf gender: (Female, Male, N/A) Wolf rareity: (If you want AC please state that as well)n/a Boost/Defect: n/a Talents:n/a Specific coat:n/a Specific eye colour:n/a Specific nose colour:n/a Anything else you want: Highish BE Edited at November 25, 2022 11:36 PM by Icy Wind