
Wolf gender: Male Wolf rareity: 60+ Boost/Defect: N/A Talents: N/A Specific coat: N/A Specific eye colour: N/A Specific nose colour: Pink Anything else you want: Mushrooms if possible :) Thank you 😊 PACK NUMBER: 290272

hey, im back again looking for one more wolf <33 Wolf gender: (Female, Male, N/A) preferrably female but either is fine ^^ Wolf rareity: (If you want AC please state that as well) n/a Boost/Defect: n/a Talents: n/a Specific coat: any crystalline if possible? Specific eye colour: n/a Specific nose colour: n/a Anything else you want: n/a PACK NUMBER: 288860

Wolf gender: Female Wolf rareity: 35+ Boost/Defect: N/A (a boost perfered) Talents: 20+ Specific coat: N/A Specific eye colour: N/A Specific nose colour: N/A Anything else you want: N/A PACK NUMBER:290495 Edited at June 24, 2022 04:06 PM by Fluorescent Shadows

Wolf gender: N/A Wolf rareity: 30+, AC Boost/Defect: Albino Talents: N/A Specific coat: N/A Specific eye colour: N/A Specific nose colour: N/A Anything else you want:N/A PACK NUMBER: 286831

Wolf gender: preferably femmale, unless its a pup Wolf rareity: N/A Boost/Defect: Chim 6 Talents: 10 or more Specific coat: N/A Specific eye colour: N/A Specific nose colour: N/A Anything else you want: N/A PACK NUMBER: 290350 Edited at July 3, 2022 01:26 AM by Valoimm

Wolf gender: (Female, Male, N/A) Preferably female
Wolf rareity: (If you want AC please state that as well) 35-40+ (No boost/defect. If boost/defect, any rarity) Boost/Defect: Any Talents: N/A Specific coat: N/A Specific eye colour: N/A Specific nose colour: N/A Anything else you want: I either want a 35-40+ rarity female or a boost/defect female if at all possible. PACK NUMBER: 289429 Thank you so much for doing this!!! Edited at July 18, 2022 08:23 PM by BABBAGE

Wolf gender: Female Wolf rareity: Any will be customized to black or Dalmation Boost/Defect: Chimera Talents: n/a Specific coat: hopefully black or Dalmation but does not matter. Specific eye colour: n/a Specific nose colour: n/a Anything else you want: n/a PACK NUMBER: 284555 I know this is a wish, and I thank you for this chance. Edited at August 23, 2022 04:59 PM by De Vil

Wolf gender: Female Specifick coat: Golden Anytjing else you want: No Pack number: 292319 Thanks a lot. You should start an aliance where you do more things like this. I'd join. By the way, I'm sending you a friend request. Wamly, Wolves of Life

Wolf gender: Female Specifick coat: Golden Anytjing else you want: No Pack number: 292319 Thanks a lot. You should start an aliance where you do more things like this. I'd join. By the way, I'm sending you a friend request. Wamly, Wolves of Life

Wolf gender: N/A Wolf rareity: 40R AC Boost/Defect: Chim or BP (if you can its okay if not) Talents: 40+ Specific coat: N/A Specific eye colour: N/A Specific nose colour: N/A Anything else you want: N/A PACK NUMBER: 253716