
Pack Name: Polargeist Pack Number: 218983 Tier: Scene Can you draw humanoids, anthros or ferals?: All of them What can't you draw?: Nothing demonic c: Happy to volunteer?: Yep :D
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Edited at November 16, 2023 05:32 PM by spirit of Christmas
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Please do not post an image or shortened link, please post a URL that is not shortened in any way. This is so I can easily send the relevant information to whoever is gifting you. [Image [c]157083] Edited at November 16, 2023 05:28 PM by Eternity

Pack name: Cypress Road Pack number: 258632 Teir: full-body Can you draw humanoid, anthro, or feral: I Han draw feral What can't you draw: I can't draw cats. Or anything really Happy to volunteer?: yes

Pack Name: starpup (marshpup) Pack Number: 285787 Link to your den page: https://wolfplaygame.com/den.php?id=285787 Tier: Fullbody Can you draw humanoids, anthros or ferals?: Anthros & Ferals What can't you draw?: Humanoids hard no. I might struggle with non-mammals for ferals but references exist and I'm up for challenges. o7 Anthros free game on species. What you want drawn: https://toyhou.se/starmutt/characters/folder:4836076 both ferals! Happy to volunteer?: No time sorry </3
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Christmas Moon said: Is it to late to enter?
I haven't made the pairings yet, so I'll extend the opening for a couple more hours. Sign ups will now close at 3pm game time.

Pack Name: Written The Wolf Pack Number: 297508 Link to your den page: https://wolfplaygame.com/den.php?id=297508 Tier: Scene(cause I plan on gifting a scene, but I am fine with receiving something else too if there is not enough people to pair up in this category) Can you draw humanoids, anthros or ferals?: only ferals(mostly canines, but I can try with cats or dragons) What can't you draw?: horses, large cats What you want drawn: choose whoever, I put some different species for flavour CatHappy to volunteer?: Yes

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Apologies for the delays so far, I've got some IRL things to attend to. Will get the pairings out as soon as possible!

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
WAGG pairings have now been released! You should have recieved a DM with who your assigned pack is. To make up for the late start to this event, the gift deadline is now the 14th of January. If you haven't recieved your assigned pack, have recieved yourself, or some other noob mix up, please let me know either in DMs or on the WAGG discussion thread. https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=7&t=88223 If you'd like to chat about the event, you can also head to the WAGG discussion thread. Just remember not to say who your assigned pack is until after you've sent your finished gift!