
Boost/Defect: Divine Health Talents: 20+ Specific coat: N/A Specific eye colour: N/A Specific nose colour: N/A Anything else you want: I would prefer they be clean lined and maybe have some BE PACK NUMBER: 286342

Wolf gender: n/a Wolf rareity: 55+ Boost/Defect: chim (does not have to be honestly just a wish, if not its totally okay) Talents: any no preference Specific coat: any no preference Specific eye colour: any no preference Specific nose colour: no preference Anything else you want: just clean line please PACK NUMBER: 271883 Edited at June 9, 2022 05:57 PM by Crowe

Wolf gender: (Female, Male, N/A) n/a Wolf rareity: (If you want AC please state that as well) any Boost/Defect: gaelic blood Talents: n/a Specific coat: any Specific eye colour: any Specific nose colour: any Anything else you want: n/a PACK NUMBER: 288860 Edited at June 9, 2022 10:03 PM by jaune

Edited at June 9, 2022 10:03 PM by jaune

If still open: Wolf Gender: doesn't matter Wolf Rarity: 15+ Boost/Defect:Any boost or pelt defect Pack # 274096

Raging River said: If still open: Wolf Gender: doesn't matter Wolf Rarity: 15+ Boost/Defect:Any boost or pelt defect Pack # 274096
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Wolf gender: (Female, Male, N/A) Whatever is easiest but I would prefer female. Wolf rareity: 15 + Boost/Defect:If possible, Any would be lovely . Talents: Any, preferably looking for one with talents in Battle,Wisdom,Agility and Other battle wolf stuff. XD Specific coat: Brindle if possible but if not that is fine. Specific eye colour: Any Specific nose colour: Any Anything else you want: PM me if you want more PACK NUMBER: 272852 Edited at June 12, 2022 02:44 AM by Pastry Lord

Wolf Gender: Male Wolf Rarity: 25+ Talent: If you have a pup that is over 200 T that's great! Boost: Doesn't matter to me Defect: I have always wanted like one of the vitiligos, chims, or GBs but if you can anything doesn't matter if you have a BP. Coat: doesn't matter to me Nose: n/a eyes: n/a Markings: doesn't matter to me Pack Number: 265679 Thank you for doing this! Edited at June 12, 2022 07:18 AM by Wolf Pride
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Check my den and pick one that is not shin Pastry Lord said: Wolf gender: (Female, Male, N/A) Whatever is easiest but I would prefer female. Wolf rareity: 15 + Boost/Defect:If possible, Any would be lovely . Talents: Any, preferably looking for one with talents in Battle,Wisdom,Agility and Other battle wolf stuff. XD Specific coat: Brindle if possible but if not that is fine. Specific eye colour: Any Specific nose colour: Any Anything else you want: PM me if you want more PACK NUMBER: 272852

Check my den and pick one shin isn't open Wolf Pride said: Wolf Gender: Male Wolf Rarity: 25+ Talent: If you have a pup that is over 200 T that's great! Boost: Doesn't matter to me Defect: I have always wanted like one of the vitiligos, chims, or GBs but if you can anything doesn't matter if you have a BP. Coat: doesn't matter to me Nose: n/a eyes: n/a Markings: doesn't matter to me Pack Number: 265679 Thank you for doing this!