
It was when Finn set his own can of beer down that he heard the pop of another can opening beside him. He smiled a bit as he looked at Raihn. He debated saying something but decided to keep his mouth shut. Jinx had already smoked half the joint and drank half her beer. "Holy, slow down honey, you're gonna end up regretting it tomorrow." Finn said with a chuckle. He grabbed his beer again, taking another swig. It tasted absolutely disgusting, but being drunk was fun... sometimes. He saw Aleria finishing off the first joint, so he moved to light another. He took a few puffs, inhaling deeply and holding it in. Once he exhaled, he held it out in front of Raihn. "You smoke?" He asked. Finn hoped this would lighten him up, making him more fun. Maybe this would just make Raihn entirely more rude, only time will tell.
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Opening the can of beer he moved to bring it to his lips and take a drink. It tasted disgusting but also absolutely and positively amazing at the same time. How long had it been since he'd had anything to drink? How long had it been since he'd allowed himself to enjoy something like this? The answer, too fucking long. Really he could only remember having more than a sip of alcohol his first month of college, since then he'd been too focused on school. Now, he had nothing to lose by indulging himself and so took another long swig after downing the first one. Seeing movement out of the corner of his eye, Raihn looked over at Finn. His gaze was quick to fall on the joint that he was offering him and he raised a brow. No, he did not smoke, never had. "Yeah." He lied, shocking himself with the answer and then surprising himself further when he set his can of beer down and reached to take the joint from Finn and bring it to his lips to take a puff.

Finn raised his eyebrows slightly when Raihn took the joint, he didn't seem like the kind of guy to smoke anything. Finn watched intently as Raihn brought his lips to the joint to take a hit. Finn would be lying if he said Raihn didn't look extremely hot right at that moment. He watched his lips as he took a hit and continued to watch slightly when he blew the smoke out. He then raised his hand to take the joint back. He took another his, giving Raihn a flirty look before looking away. After he took another hit, he passed the joint to Jinx. Taking another small sip of his beer, he looked down at the burning fire. He could feel the weed hitting now, and he had forgotten what it felt like to be high. He smiled to himself, feeling the warm embers on his skin. He shifted to lean back on his hands, still staring in front of him, but now Raihn was more in his view. He threw a quick glance at Raihn, taking in how beautiful he looked, before returning his gaze to the fire again.
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Raihn felt as the smoke hit the back of his throat and then entered his lungs as he breathed it. It left him feeling as though he desperately needed to cough but he refused to allow himself to do so. Coughing would be like telling the three people here that he hadn't ever smoked despite having said that he did. Finished with the joint he passed it back to Finn and let out a breath. It was fucking intoxicating, and he felt the tendrils of euphoria that accompanied a high, not that he would know that because this was the first time he'd done a lot of things. Shifting slightly in his seat he leaned back and drew in a breath before reaching for his can of beer. He brought it to his lips and watched as Jinx and Aleria shared the joint that Finn passed him. Tomorrow was going to be rough, of that he was certain. He was already almost done with one beer and had every intention of having another, and considering he was one hell of a lightweight he was pretty damn tipsy already and he'd only had little more than half a can of beer. Taking another swig of his beer, Raihn glanced over towards Finn, pausing in slight surprise when he caught the male turning his gaze away from him and toward the fire.

Finn didn't notice that when he went to lean back on his hands, he shifted closer to the male beside him just a bit. He did it subconsciously, but maybe it was the drugs in his system talking. Finn blinked slowly, waiting for the next joint to come around. The next joint was going to be the last, along with his next beer. Finn finished his first beer in one last swig before crushing it and throwing it off to the side. He grabbed another before offering another to Raihn. He set it down beside Raihn before he got the confirmation, but he was sure he was going to have more than one beer tonight, if not, Finn would just drink it. Finn then got the bright idea to shotgun it. "Jinx, shotgun?" He asked, holding up two beers. "Why the hell not." Jinx replied, taking one can from Finn's hands. Finn pulled out his pocket knife, and once Jinx was ready, he stabbed hers first and then his before shotgunning it. The can was empty in seconds, so he crushed it and threw it to the side. "Okay I'm done with beer for the night, that shit's gross." Finn said, letting out a polite burp.
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Raihn was acutely aware of the fact that when Finn leaned back he'd shifted closer to him. The act seemed to stir something inside Raihn, causing his heart to stutter for a split second in his chest. Swallowing thickly he tried to make sense of what that meant but ultimately cleared his throat and shook his head. No way... his heart did not just do that for Finn of all people. Glancing back at him he finished his beer and crushed it before tossing it off to the side. He listened to the sound of it clattering on the floor but paid it little mind. Parting his lips he was about to ask for another when he noticed Finn handing one over to him and without waiting for an okay or a thanks, setting it down beside him. Seriously? What was with this guy? One moment he's cold, distant, not exactly kind or caring, and the next he's acting as though he cares and is considerate. It was confusing, this back and forth, daunting really, and trying to figure out what exactly Finn was playing at was goddamn exhausting. He gave a nod in thanks before picking the beer up and without hesitation popping it open. The moment he heard the pop he brought the can to his lips and took another big swig. Getting drunk and high was probably not the best idea, but fuck he wanted it. Wanted it so damn badly that he was throwing caution and reason to the wind and divulging his own selfish desires for the first time in what felt like... well months.

Finn continued to hit the joint that was going around. Since he told himself that it would be the last joint he hits, once it was out, he sat back and didn't touch anything else. He simply observed and enjoyed the buzz and high that he was feeling. He threw the occasional glance at Raihn without thinking much of it. He couldn't help it, he was slightly crossfaded, so really, he didn't care where he was looking. Finn wasn't attempting to hide any sign of attraction towards Raihn at the moment. About an hour and a half had passed, and the sun was completely down now. Both the girls had drunk most of the beer and finished most of the joints since they didn't really get much anyways. "Okay, let's go to bed cmon." Jinx said, stumbling and slurring her words a bit as she got up. Finn watched her intently but knew she'd be okay. Jinx grabbed Aleria and forced her up. Jinx walked with Aleria to her tent and laid down with her. "Goodnight everybody." Jinx said. "Goodnight." Finn replied, looking over at Raihn a bit. Now it was just them. Finn looked at Raihn with his glossy, red eyes. He was still pretty messed up, but he was sobering up slowly since he didn't do too much. Edited at March 8, 2025 11:45 PM by Get Jinxed
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Raihn hadn't said anything as he continued to drink and take occasional hits of the joints that were offered to him. He drew in a breath and felt as he began to fully relax for the first time in... in well months. He'd been so on edge since the night where he'd happened across a murder, finally being able to relax and forget about shit was relieving. He let his gaze move to wards Jinx and Aleria, both clearly as wasted as he was and watched as they struggled to the tent. "G'night." Aleria managed in response to Finn. For a long moment, Raihn stared at the tent where they had disappeared before looking back towards the fire. Bringing his drink to his lips he took another swig before letting out a breath and then moving to set it down. Leaning back a little he propped himself up on his arms before tilting his head back slightly and letting his eyes rest on the ceiling. God this felt amazing. With a faint smile on his lips.

Now that they were all alone, the tension grew a bit. There was anybody else to make conversation with. Should he just call it a night? Finn looked at fire as he thought before glancing at Raihn. Just when he was about to look away, he found himself checking out Raihn. He thoroughly eyed him up and down before his eyes stayed locked on the male's face. He looked especially handsome with the fire casting a glow on his face. Finn swallowed thickly, wanting to get up and sleep, but at the same time, he planted to the ground.
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Raihn's expression was softer and more gentle than it had been since he'd first met Finn. He felt more at ease than he had been in months, and honestly, he didn't ever want this to end. It felt fucking great, and without paying much mind to his actions he picked up his can of bear once again and brought it to his lips. Taking a long swig he let out a slow breath and then took another smaller sip before setting his can down. Lifting a hand he ran his fingers through his hair and let his gaze rest on the fire for several long moments. Finally, and for reasons he'd never be able to discern, he turned his head, his gaze quickly finding Finn. Seeing that the male was already looking at him he raised a brow, but there was no sign of the hostility that might have otherwise been there if he wasn't as high or drunk as he currently was. "What? See something you like?" He questioned his tone one of interest and amusement.