A while back I made a design but I wasn't 100% sure I liked it, so I asked some friends to help me come up with something similar. I gathered quite a few designs that I liked, but I'm not set in stone with one yet. Honestly, I love seeing what kind of designs others can come up with, so I'm making this thread for anyone who's interested in helping me out. :D I was going to make it a contest, but I'd like to see building on ideas instead of competition. When I'm close to whatever amount of apples I need to make her, I'll make a poll to see which one y'all like best. xP
So, if you want to help me out, post your designs below! Or, if you think some tweaks should be made to one of the designs I already have posted up here, you can let me know too!
If you want to make a design for me, here are the requirements: Must be in alpha female pose, must have a greyscale theme with hints of color added, must have aqua or dark blue eyes.
Thank you in advance! <3