
Me and my sister were kicking a ball around in our front yard when i kicked it into the street. me and my sister went running to get it, tripped, i went skirtting down the driveway and hurt my left elbow. that was a lovely dayXD

And it went like.... I was doing the dishes in my kitchen and I tried to open the cabinet, but my elbow nocked over one of my mom's drinking glasses... and shattered it. Well then the adrenaline kicked in and my first reaction was to... pick up the broken glass with my right hand. (Luckly I didn't cut my hand) A few minutes later and I look down to see a small puddle of blood on the ground. As I start looking for the cut where the blood was coming from, I looked at my left forearm and saw the quarter size cut on my arm! I lost it. I started banging on the window above the sink in the kitchen, because my parents were walking by. I couldn't even speak I was just banging on the window and pointing to my bleeding arm. My parents ran inside so quickly. Then they rushed me to the hospital. Oh! And I almost passed out from hyperventilation. So yeah that's my story.

My worst ones I cannot mention on WolfPlay, but I can tell you about the funny ones. - * Basically I was sitting on the bus and accidentally cut my arm on some loose metal and didn't realize it until blood was soaking the seat *I got a splinter and never pulled it out

My dad and I were having a water balloon fight and he kept telling me he was gonna hit me in my legs. I dodged most of his throws and then ran at him, but he said what he was gonna do and hit me in my right leg. I fell onto the concrete and busted my elbow >^<

My pinkie toe is literally just a scar because when I was 5, my neighbors were burning their trash pile & I thought it was gonna burn down the forest XD so i dumped a glass of ice cubes and a piece of burning plastic landed on my toe... !! KINDA GROSS!! When we went to the doctor, they were taking my spongebob bandaid off & it literally just slid off with all my skin and in the middle you could see the bone >~< Needless to say, I cannot feel that toe.

held a parrot. her talons got very close to that uh y'know place that would kill me. glad she decided to score me diagonally rather than vertically uh
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I stabbed my palm with an x-acto knife while in sculpture class. The funny part about it is I kept a first aid/trauma kit in my backpack for such an occasion. I greatly unsettled the people that witnessed it happen by how calm (and annoyed) I was. My teacher never would've known it happened if I didn't say something. Honestly, it didn't even hurt. I'm more surprised I didn't hit a vein or artery. I'm pretty pale so I can see all the blue veins, I was literally a millimeter from cutting one. Lesson: Cut away from yourself. And carry a trauma kit. - [Mod Edit: Removed for inappropriate content] Edited at March 4, 2022 10:16 AM by Tolkien

1. My brother threw a key at my face while we were fighting/arguing, I still have the scar above my lip. 2. My mother decided to have me join in on a waxing session. The wax was too hot and ended up burning the front part of my leg till it bubbled up in two lines, the whole part was burned but that's where the scar formed, the scar eventually faded a few years later. Note that she didn't mean it, felt guilty. 3. I was walking and ended up tripping on a damaged brick sidewalk, painfully scraped my hip and still have that scar, as well as knees, that was probably the least worst out of all my scars realistically That's pretty much it I think. Edited at February 24, 2022 10:00 AM by Z O D I A C

I was cutting a bagel and the knife cut my finger. I felt it but I didn't think it was that bad until I finished cutting the bagel, which had bits of blood on it. It kept dripping blood but luckily I hadn't hit my bone. I went through about 4 band-aids a day for two weeks. :/ I can't trust myself with knives for that reason yet I still cut things with knives.. ^-^' Edited at February 24, 2022 10:01 AM by The Midnight Wolves

Passed out face front on gravel a few months ago and scraped my knee. Unluckily for me my knee now has a scar and my teeth are still loose from the fall. A dog bit the front of my face, I now have a scar on my lip. Got burnt on my thumb and still have the scar from it.